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08/04/22 6:07 PM

#385262 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #385256

Oh! Excellent observation there BirdBrain! Timing is everything and this looks like good karma.
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08/04/22 7:05 PM

#385272 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #385256

BBI, Love your thoughts (and DD's ) into the future. Thanks for the uplifting of spirit for this 'sofar' - haunted - Company :)

I do hate 9th circuits - and the judge (guess gender):

Wiki getting more 'Direct' these days - making sure you take an extra look :),_with_labels_2.png

Ok this last part might be deleted by mods - if considered irrelevant :)

But nice to know eg where legs and knee is located on the human body - if somebody should be in doubt :)
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08/04/22 8:27 PM

#385277 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #385256

BBI. well a note of caution here, before you all high 5 each other .
BRAVE is a small study ( 150 patients for 18 mths ...from memory ) . So based on my limited bio stat knowledge its underpowered to show stat sig results ...Tasty and others are welcome to correct me if necessary .
To generate a P value of less then .05 ...which is the generally accepted minimum to rule out the results U see are by chance ...U normally need larger numbers enrolled for longer periods

The more knowledgeable posters on bio stats please correct me if necessary .
So at best U are likely to see is a " trend towards "...or " associated with "...and a call for a far larger trial for longer periods.

So we are a long way from your "possible home run ".

Meanwhile we are 26 days away from everyone in the V arm of MITIGATE completing the 12 mths on drug as per trial design .
By the end of the first week of Sept , Kaiser is likely to know ...if their EHR ( in-house record keeping ) is a good as some say it is .....wether Vascepa reduces risk of hospitalization or severe outcomes from Covid .
They will need to "clean" and recheck their data before publishing / presenting .....but if ..and thats BUT IF ...this data shows less ..statistically significant ....risk of hospitalization or severe outcome adding Vascepa to the high risk population studied ...then I expect Kaiser to dispense V to all their CV patients that meet the studies inclusion criteria .

Thats your near term possible " home run ".

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08/04/22 8:43 PM

#385278 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #385256

How many are still dying from Covid each day ....

August 03, 2022 1115.00
August 02, 2022 484.00
August 01, 2022 559.00

Will Vascepa reduce that ?

We should know next month

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08/04/22 9:34 PM

#385280 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #385256

Bravo BBI...! Finally something positive, going forward of course.

Let's think positive and the planets align.

My mother had dementia and succumbed to it sadly.
My dad was sharp as a tack, even up to the day he passed.

They say male offspring take their mothers genes.

Now where did I put my Bong?
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08/05/22 12:02 AM

#385282 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #385256

i hope you are correct! my 2 cents ICE is pleiotropic beyond reduce it and may be the best adjunctive therapy around for lots of maladies .. i doubt its going to be a game changer for alzheimer but may be a piece of the puzzle? after 13 years of being long this stock i'm resigned to the fact this is the best drug and worst stock combo in my 35 year history of biotech investing
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08/05/22 9:21 AM

#385297 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #385256 the placebo is MO, isn't it?
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08/05/22 9:44 AM

#385299 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #385256

BB - I agree, the SP should enjoy a huge boost. Talk about compliance, people would line up to buy hope. Anything that helps their loved one's quality of life. These are devastating diseases. I know.

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08/05/22 3:18 PM

#385345 RE: Birdbrain Ideas #385256

RE: The BRAVE study - I think if there is a positive outcome, regardless of the size of the trial (only 150), then SP skyrockets and gets taken out by a BP.

Man, imagine if we got positive MITIGATE and BRAVE results??

That wouldn't just be a homerun, it would be a grand slam.

And maybe this is why Denner has not been in a huge rush to rip things apart. gut tells me that the BRAVE study will be "mildly" positive. Enough to raise eyebrows and ask some questions, but not enough to shake the industry.

So I think our bigger shot is with MITIGATE. I think that has the potential for very positive results.