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08/04/22 11:10 AM

#112651 RE: surfkast #112650

At this rate(daily volume) it will take 3 months to work through those shares
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08/04/22 11:59 AM

#112652 RE: surfkast #112650

The FORW and Charger warrant shares covered by the S-1 won’t show up anytime soon since they are well underwater currently.
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08/04/22 2:52 PM

#112653 RE: surfkast #112650

Don’t you mean 5 billion?
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08/05/22 4:32 PM

#112700 RE: surfkast #112650

Yea they will.

ie: Insiders will dump almost 400 million shares.

369 mil on the S1. Sharp is going to dump his 125 mil shares once he converts those warrants for .20 each. He doesn't care about taking a 50% loss on those shares. He will buy them for .20 and sell them at .10 - because that is who he is - you know he once did a mean tweet.

So will Sapi with his 114 mil shares. That guy is ruthless too.

Those two account for about 2/3 of the 369 mil shares in the S1.

Then there are insiders - who obviously want to sabotage their own company by dumping into the market at sub basement prices. And don't forget those who traded their ownership in their own companies to work for HMBL - acquisition with shares plus a really sweet gig of a job. They will likely dump and quit. Rumor around the water cooler is that people are pissed that Foote has the corner office, so they are outta here. Especially when the stock is at .10/share.

Oh and don't forget Foote. We all know he will sell his preferred B's when nobody is looking. He is onto those evil insiders and he will try to jump ship first. I overheard him saying screw it, "I really didn't want to create a whole new system of a verified financial system and become the richest guy in the world. Musk would never talk to me again."


The sky is falling. The sky is falling. If only we could get the stock price to fall with it. STOP BUYING.