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02/11/07 12:50 AM

#4148 RE: Walrus #4145

I can remember when we were gonna be $5-7 bucks a share before the end of November, then move to the Nazzzzz. Or was it October? Then it got moved to the end of December, for some reason, then by the end of January, we were going to be, oooh, $7 per share. Three years ago, it was supposed to be $15 by the end of December. This past summer, it was gonna be $20-30 per share. "This is a $60 stock", and rumores that RP was going to retire sometime in the 1st half of 2007, if not January when the good earnings came out for Q4-06.

WE have been waiting for guidance for what, 5 years now? or 3 years? or since last summer...that was it!

Not to be a negative influence by posting this, but it is definitely stressful when people suggest that certain things are to be expected, only to be pushed back, or minimized to irrelevance status. It SEEMS that whatever the expectations WERE, that were coming from TKO to us via brokers, contacts, whatever, are not, in fact, coming to fruition, in the way we were informed they would.

And for Walrus, one of the most enthusiastic cheerleaders of TKO, with tons of shares on the line to cause him to pay VERY close attention to the progress of TKO, to come out and say """however we cannot see the Rainbow immediately. This will be a great company but it takes time, they are building the groundwork for dynamic growth"""., suggests to me, that 'things' are not as far along as perhaps we were led to believe.

I am still surprised that the GE announcement was only for the U.S. and Canada, as opposed to worldwide. Makes me wonder 'why'?
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02/11/07 12:57 AM

#4149 RE: Walrus #4145

I thought by what you and GLL were saying about the CC that it would cause the PPS to go up with guidance. Do you still feel that way or do you think the price is still going to go down. It just seems like it is alway later and later. Especially when you said it would be life changing i thought we had fianlly arrived. Did something happen that you were not expecting to change your mind on the CC and guidance? Thanks for your help.