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08/01/22 12:51 PM

#368585 RE: Rubyred77 #368580

Setting em up perfectly.

We are in a multi demensional chess match being played on a new board, unfamiliar to WS theives. They would have already wrapped thiis up by now ....BUT....sources are missing, links do not exist to many outside US information sources. The theives are smart enough to recognize the tables have been changed and THEY ARE NOW THE TARGETS. The longer this goes on, the bigger the risks are to criminals and their sources. They have typically already done their under the radar hit pieces by now.

As has been pointed out here, DR.M. has already seen the results/data and has had time to strategize a release process which will not only tell the story truthfully but directly. We do not need any of the phonies waiting in the wings to spin what it means .


08/01/22 8:08 PM

#368682 RE: Rubyred77 #368580

Once in a decade opportunity is correct Ruby! Yes the placebo group being affected the exact way 30 and 50 mg groups were with matching “cluster” earings too! Its like a Phase 2.5 for PDD and 3.5 for Alzheimer’s.

No more Ph 3 trials for Alzheimer’s will be needed. Ph 2a Alzheimer’s pointed us towards PDD design. PDD ph 2 a results pointed us towards data that will help us to “contextualise” Ph 3 Alzheimer’s. IF, the FDA doesnt see the efficacy that finally supports of all those high dose, wild type sr1, 4 ng bloodstream loving 80 something elders dancing, golfing, driving, painting, pianoing away then to hell with them all and let God sort em out later! To go against 10 FDA’s panel recommendations and approve draino by biojunk is deathly sinful. This is going to be/should be 99% efficacious proven out not once but 3x over,imo.