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07/30/22 2:46 PM

#105844 RE: KennyPro #105843

Sorry to say, this one isn't coming back.

Dilution killed our chances for any kind of big move. With 29B shares left to dilute, it's over. Unless Henry stops diluting right now, gets some big loans, and does the BB for the full 25B shares there is no way this will ever see .02 again. theres just too many shares out now. I've seen this time and time again with these stinky pinkies. They dilute to survive, never complete projects or generate revenue and then they slide into low trips until they do a RS thinking it will generate excitement and get people buying again. Ultimately they go back to low trips, destroy the shareholders and eventually go no bid.

Perfect example is HPIL and GNCP. PHIL is following in their footsteps. It will take a rabbit of epic proportions from Henry to save us now.
From his past performance, he doesn't have what it would take.


07/30/22 2:56 PM

#105845 RE: KennyPro #105843

Amen to that bro!


07/30/22 3:13 PM

#105846 RE: KennyPro #105843

Damn Bro, I hear ya there. I lost my wife to cancer back in April. She was 39.