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07/30/22 12:44 PM

#295034 RE: Steve43 #295032

So you would consider the Worldwide Covid Pandemic that as been disrupting business around the world for the past 2 years "internal forces".

<<<<<< So far we have been victims of internal forces (of our doing) >>>>>>>>

"External factors are typically things you or your company do not control, such as the following:

Market trends (new products, technology advancements and shifts in audience needs)
Economic trends (local, national and international financial trends)
Funding (donations, legislature and other sources)
Relationships with suppliers and partners
Political, environmental and economic regulations"

"Internal factors
Strengths (S) and weaknesses (W) refer to internal factors, which are the resources and experience readily available to you.

These are some commonly considered internal factors:

Financial resources (funding, sources of income and investment opportunities)
Physical resources (location, facilities and equipment)
Human resources (employees, volunteers and target audiences)
Access to natural resources, trademarks, patents and copyrights
Current processes (employee programs, department hierarchies and software systems – like CRM Software and Accounting Software)"


07/30/22 12:44 PM

#295035 RE: Steve43 #295032

I think we’re moving along Steve and am encouraged by the upcoming Conference call, for better or worse. Communication like this is key to investor confidence. Regardless, some won’t like it come what may, as with any stock/call.

I trust the questions will be fruitful and with answers given that spurs confidence, new investor involvement, and retention of current shareholders. Respectful, time-limited, probing, yet within bounds. Let prospective and current investors take it from there.

Enjoy the weekend my friend.