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02/10/07 3:36 PM

#61086 RE: eaglesurvivor #61075

Please restate your point, as this thread

has gotten quite messy and lengthy.

Liberals tend to think everything is "rights" instead of "priviledges". It's the entitlement mentality that is destroying our country.


02/10/07 3:57 PM

#61091 RE: eaglesurvivor #61075

Fine. I believe you still need to debate this point.

Tell me if stop lights, stop signs, and speed limits are violation to your "right" to travel. After all, it doesn't take long to get a passport if you plan.

When I travel, I usually allow time for these "inconveniences", for without them, it is likely travel would not be possible in our current environment with people zipping down the highway at 120 mph, or however fast they feel they need to go to fulfill their "right" to travel.

"Inconveniences" do not necessary take away your "right" to travel. It's the entitlement mentality that allows people to whine about their "right" instead of understanding that they are "priviledged" to travel in a car at 60mph instead of sandals and dirt roads at 2 mph. That's why people bitch about inconveniences and aren't thankful for the priviledges they have. They are entitled.

Can you imagine what George Washington would think if he could see the incessant whining that liberal spoiled brats are engaging in, nowadays? I'm sure George Washington would scream to a deep ditch or a creek in his horse-drawn carriage that "YOU'RE VIOLATING MY RIGHT TO TRAVEL!"

I feel it is a priviledge to live in the USA. Some feel it is a curse.