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07/27/22 10:05 AM

#156135 RE: Jim46 #156132

Jim - I know I always jinx you (kinda hoping I jinx you here too, so sorry about that..LOL), but I genuinely believe that they'll get their fabricated 06 ceiling successfully lowered to 055 or possibly lower, today and/or this Friday at the latest. If that happens, it's all but a guarantee that we'll also be hit with several new 52 week low's, so that could provide a good entry for you.

As I've been saying, there is literally zero risk to them driving this down right now, because of the following:

1. The only remedy to stop it is retail volume/buying pressure, but that is non-existent.

2. I still believe that those in control are the same ones working behind the scenes with ENZC/Charles towards partnerships, etc... Because of this, they'll know when to stop driving it down and/or when CC is finally going to remove his muzzle.

They have solidified the fake 06 ceiling over the past few days, with 6-7 MM's now in front of it. Bid support is nowhere to be found, so they can drop it quick & violent, whenever they please.... Every time we reach one of their new lowered fabricated ceilings, everyone always thinks that it's the bottom, just like they did with 06. However, until Charles delivers something, there is no bottom. It is completely up to those in control, how low this is driven.

Lastly, if you look at the 2nd snippet below, what you'll see is their complete control and lack of any care about manipulating it down further. Notice the 0574 ask was taken out, so they dropped it down to 0573. In other words, if an ask is wiped out over and over and over again, they still don't let it up. Instead, they just drop further, because they know there is no flood of retail buying pressure waiting around the corner...

Also, they'll sell just under the ask intentionally, at 6 decimal points, just to keep the ask where it's at vs allowing it to move up...(3rd snippet below)

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07/28/22 7:55 AM

#156236 RE: Jim46 #156132

Good morning Jim46. Some good patent news this morning. I don't think it is going to move the needle much in the near future. I am waiting as well. I traded my full compliment of trade shares in the 7's and was hoping we would go as low as the 4's to get back in. The pattern on this stock has been so predictable.
I don't do any investing or make any recommendations for anyone, including family. "Why didn't you tell me about that stock?", they will ask.
"You mean the one that I lost 80k on?", I will reply.
"Oh. Never mind."
Trying to explain finite metrics, swing trading, P/E ratios, dividends and the indexing of mutual funds to someone that just heard you're a successful investor/trader can be tedious. And then you mention bonds and they say, "I have one of those. My grandfather gave it to me when I graduated". Or, "You can't make any real money on bonds. Can you?"
Depends. Real estate bonds the last four years have performed extremely well and REITs have brought a 13-18% ROI.
Everyone is looking for the quick hit. Looking for the unicorn in the forest when there are 20 deer that will feed the family for months. I also never felt that prayer was a viable investment/trading strategy.
I believe in the science here and think within the next year or two there will be some good things happening. Patience. I think it was Sun Tzu who said in the Art Of War:

"A man who masters patience, masters everything else".

Have a great day. I've got to hustle over to the school. Optional 5 mile team run today before it gets too hot. Have a great day.