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07/20/22 1:14 PM

#244073 RE: jealmc79 #244070

not necessarily. if contracts come from the dod or other gov't sources for a version of spider silk for ballistic applications , it might be desirable to have domestic production. .nothing prohibits kblb from bringing skilled sericulture workers to the united states and train domestic workers. also, you can grow mulberry bushes state side.


07/20/22 2:55 PM

#244104 RE: jealmc79 #244070

"Why would anyone think that there has been or ever will be significant production in the US?"

maybe because in fact there used to be?...

"There is absolutely no infrastructure here to support it "

so what...if there is money to be made, you create the infrastructure...

"and everything would have to be shipped overseas to be processed anyway." reeling and spinning was big 100 years the aint rocket science...its just a cost issue...

my guess is that if kblb can create a gm silk worm that can thrive on something other than mulberry leaves, they can make domestic prodution economically feasible...and kblb has stated they are working on such a venture...

still, it would be fairly costly...but for medical purposes, i should think a high valuation would make it doable...and should the military become interested, i should think they wouldnt have much problem paying whatever the price would be...without the need for mulberry leaves, i think it can be done very profitably in the USA...