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07/16/22 12:52 PM

#10547 RE: Jorgeezzee #10543

Oh wow Jorgeezzee, that's cool. Did you get the 4th of July limited time special Tollovid offer of the 4 bottles for $400 sale? That was Todos Medicals best deal yet. Wasn't it, Jorgeezzee? I mean just a few months ago a bottle of the Tollovid was going for $300 now that was only a 3,000% mark up according to Dr. David Brady, ND, CCN, DACBN, IFMCP, FACN with his almost 30-years of experience as an integrative medical practitioner and academic. Actually, I might be a little conservative with the 1,000%-3,000% profit mark up, I think it's more, and so does Dr. Brady, look here, Jorgeezzee, Dr. Brady actually says he'd be "surprised" if a bottle of Tollovid "all in" cost Todos Medical $10 dollars per bottle, but lets just stay conservative even though I tend to believe what Dr Brady says about the cheap Tollovid, after all, he has appeared on the speaking panel of some of the largest and most prestigious conferences in the field including; IFM, ACAM, A4M, IHS, AANP, AIHM, IAACN, ICC-CIM and many more. Also, Dr. Brady has published a multitude of peer-reviewed scientific papers and textbooks related to chronic pain, autoimmunity and functional gastroenterology and is a featured contributing author in the medical textbooks; Advancing Medicine with Food and Nutrients-2nd Ed. (Kohlstadt I, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2012), Integrative Gastroenterology (Mullin G, Oxford Press, Weil Integrative Medicine Library, New York, NY, 2011) and Laboratory Evaluations for Integrative and Functional Medicine -2nd Ed. (Bralley JA, Lord RS, Metametrix Institute. Duluth, GA. 2008). His latest Amazon best-selling book, The Fibro-Fix, was published by Rodale and released in July of 2016. I think most notably, Dr. Brady is also the Chief Medical Officer for Designs for Health, Inc. and Diagnostic Solutions Labs, LLC, and is an expert consultant to the nutritional supplement and clinical laboratory industries.

Now before Gerald or any of his goons try to bully, and gaslight Dr. Brady again like they did on You Tube when he made his Tollovid statement about Todos Medicals cheap chinese Tollovid product, he just so happens to be a world renown expert on Long Haul Covid-19. In fact, just 5 months ago, Dr. Brady was again asked to organize and chair an expert panel discussion for the Integrative Healthcare Symposium (2022) in New York City in February for doctors and health professionals grappling with long-haul COVID-19 patients. This panel brought together world experts on COVID-19 Long-Haul Syndrome from various fields, to include basic translational science, laboratory diagnostics, clinical practice, and the direct patient experience. This Long-Haul panel discussion led off the entire conference on February 17th, 2022, and will featured Bruce Patterson, MD, Richard Horowitz, MD, Tom Fabian, PhD, Gez Medinger, and Dr. David Brady. It's a great 1 hour and 20 minute video for anyone who is looking for REAL answers about solutions to Covid & Long Covid. I highly recommend it. Not only will anyone who watches Dr. Brady's 2022 Long Haul Covid-19 Symposium learn a lot of new things, they'll get to put a face and a voice to the Dr. that wrote that unrecoverable and scathing comment on Jacquelyn's Paxlovid vs Tollovid You Tube video that Gerald and Todos Medical funded. Remember Jacquelyn, Jorgeezzee? Lets try not to get distracted, we can circle back to P-sout Jacquelyn later. Lets just watch this video with Dr. Brady again first.

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Jorgeezzee, do you mind if I ask you some questions about your chinese Tollovid purchase? The Todos Medical Miracle Company had their 4th of July 4 bottles 4 $400 almost 2 weeks ago. You say you just received it, was that this week? Did you pay the extra emergency $25 next day shipping fee?

I just received 4 Max bottles and i'll be taking a pill a day unless i get the virus at which point i'll follow the directions of at least 12 pills a day.

I also see here that back in February, you bought 12 bottles of Tollovid

I just ordered 2 bottles of the Daily from Amazon AND, a bottle of the TollovidMax from

That makes 8 total bottles of the Daily and 4 of the Max that i've purchased..

Check my match, Jorgeezzee, that's a total of 16 bottles of Tollovid? Back in Febuary Gerald and Todos Medical was charging $300 a bottle so I'm gonna guess , and factoring in the last 4 bottles for $400 brings the grand total to roughly $4,000 dollars worth of Tollovid you purchased? That's A LOT of chinese Tollovid! I also see here that you've taken Tollovid for the last 10 months straight?

I've also been taking Tollovid Daily / Max for 10 months straight

So 10 months straight is roughly 300 days on Tollovid. You've been taking one pill a day? for 300 days that's 300 mg a day X 300 days = 90,000 mg of cheap chinese gromwell root cut with a cheap chinese emulsifier. That's over 3 ounces of cheep chinese weeds cut with a cheap chinese emulsifiers. IMO that A LOT, but there is only one other man on the planet that has eaten more than 3 ounces of Tollovid imo and that's Todos Medicals dear leader and CEO Gerald Commissiong. Yep, I think Imperald Gerald literally holds the world record for cheap chinese weed consumption aka Tollovid. He might actually hold multiple world records here, but it's hard to say because no one knows really anything about how much of what is in 300 mg's of a Tollovid capsule, but I think it's safe to say that he holds an unbeatable world record for the most cheep chineese gromwell root ever consumed and the cheap chinese emulsifier consumption world record too, here's why, Jorgeezzee,. See this tweet by Todos Medical CEO Gerald Commission. He says it right here, Gerald says that he has been wolfing down the cheap chinese Tollovid for 700+ days with a varying dose. I might need some help with my math here because of the varying dose that Gerald takes, lets keep it conservative, so lets say 700+ that Gerald tweeted about 3 days ago is 703 days and for the varying dose lets just bump it to 800 pills ingested. Does that seem fair, Jorgeezzee? Ok, so 800 Tollovid capsules at 300 mg a pop = 240,000 mg's of the cheap chinese Tollovid. That is literally over HALF A POUND of a cheap chinese weed that is literally free and grows wild in most of Asia and cut with a cheap chinese emulsifier. I'm just gonna go ahead and officially declare Gerald Commissiong, the CEO of Todos Medical Miracles the undisputed WORLD record holder for the most gromwell weed ever eaten by one man. The problem is, it's hard to say if he's the cheap chinese emulsifier consumption world record holder too. No one really knows how much of what is actually in Tollovid, including Gerald it seems. Is it 50/50 cheap weeds/cheap emulsifier? If so, Gerald has already eaten a quarter pounder of cheap chinese emulsifier, then he would definitely win the world record for that too. I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Right, Jorgeezzee? Regardless, a HALF A POUND of the chinese Tollovid is $10,000 dollars worth of Todos Medicals Miracle Chinese weed root aka Tollovid. That's gotta be another record. $10,000 dollars! I wonder if that comes out of Geralds $726,000 yearly salary? Nah...

This is where things really start getting weird, let me ask you Jorgeezzee, how come no one's figured this one out yet? Right here in this Gerald tweet, where he's trying to calm everyone down after the Tollovid poison put that poor lady in the emergency room with elevated liver enzymes and painful Liver. Remember that, Jorgeezzee? That was crazy, right? We can circle back to the way Gerald with his fake Dr. bedside manner, and his overpaid JDIF goons cyber-bullied and gaslighted that poor woman harder than I've ever seen. It actually worked, they literally chased her off twitter for a stint. She's just now recently came back to twitter and the hit squad went full court cyber-bully press on her, but lets not get distracted by the goon squad right now, lets talk about Imperiled Gerald's Gromwell root eating world record. Now how come, after eating literally HALF A POUND of Tollovid for 700+ days, how come he caught Covid-19 so easily? what happened on August 21st 2021?

Let's really dive in here on what I consider one of Imperiled Gerald's top 3 biggest mistakes, but at least he's being honest right? I mean he literally says "This really isn't a lie at all", Jorgeezzee. You see where Gerald talks about his vacation on August 21st 2021? Now how does the world Tollovid eating champion catch covid? You see where he says "I ran out of Tollovid on my last day coming back from vacation on Aug 21" So literally the SAME DAY the gromwell weed eating champion of the world runs out of the Tel Aviv Tollovid and it what seems like less than 12 hours, Gerald catches Covid-19? How is this possible, Jorgeezzee? There is only one way this is possible, Jorgeezzee. Tollovid is absolutely worthless at preventing ANYONE from catching Covid-19. Think about it...and why haven't those poor sick long hall covid ladies on twitter that have been cyber-bullied into submission brought this little tid-bit of info about Gerald and Tollovid to everyone's attention, and chase that fraud Gerald outta there? You can already see em all turning against Gerald and his goon squad. I could make 1 tweet and Imperiled Gerald would be blown tf out of twitter for life. I'll just sit back and watch the monkeys hump from here. Gerald seems to be doing a fine job at getting his dumb ass chased outta there on his own. Those covid ladies are a lot smarter and tougher and smarter than Gerald thinks. They're on to him. Thank Gawd! They won't need my help.

So now that we've discovered that the Todos Medical TOMDF's cheap chinese Tollovid has literally zero chances of preventing ANYONE from catching covid-19, and theoretically means that it will do just as much(zero) to help anyone who catches Covid-19, am I right Jorgeezzee? So if we can now scratch covid prevention AND recovery officially off of the list of things the chinese Tollovid does NOT do, let's try to figure out what the cheap chinese Tollovid actually does. Looks to me like the truth is, all this Tel Aviv Tollovid does is make people sick. It's literally poison.

Now here's where anyone who has already taken the chinese Tollovid poison or is even considering taking or recommend anyone to take the Tollovid poison needs to really pay attention. This fake Dr. Gerald tweet really activated my almonds, Jorgeezzee. What did Gerald mean by this, Jorgeezzee? Let's really drill down on this Gerald tweet here. In the first line Gerald says "The initial response seems to be extremely variable in a subset, but mostly absolutely fine" What do you think Gerald meant by "mostly absolutly fine", were there people in Todos Medicals Miracle's "subset" that were not "absolutly fine", or maybe not "fine" at all? It's hard to tell with all of fake Dr. Geralds fake Dr's speek. Oh well, at least Gerald quickly rules out PA, after all, I'm sure Todos Medical, which is domiciled in Tel Aviv Israel must of ordered the purest gromwell root weeds that only grow deep in the ancient chinese mountains , and then purified in the finest chinese labs, deep in the heart of Wuhan, China. I mean it is possible to get no PA in the finest chinese gromwell weed money can buy, it's still dirt cheap, but possible. Now here's where Gerald starts to get SUPER sketchy, see where Imperiled Gerald and I'm assuming his team of outrageously overpaid Pulitzer Prize Nominee Dr's and crypto scam artists that Gerald has listed as Officers and Directors of Todos Medical Miracle's working out of Israel come to the conclusion that the "issue" seems to be an allergy somewhat related to soy and the titanium dioxide. "We are looking at modifying next batch formulation"? Help me now, if Todos Medical says the initial response is "extremely" variable, then says they have an big "allergy" problem...dear Lord. Why didn't they recall their Tollovid product? They all KNEW they were having an "allergies" issue and just started "looking" at modifying the next batch formulation? They KNEW, This tweet is a month old, and now the tollovid allergy injuries are really starting to pile up on twitter. Gerald's army of Tel Aviv Tollovid goons are struggling to keep up. They're out there gaslighting their asses off, Jorgeezzee, but lets not get distracted by goons, I want to know why everyone who's already ingested the poisonous chinese gromwell root laced with allergens is just now finding out that SOY and Titanium Dioxide is in Todos Medical Miracles...

That's a big problem, Jorgeezzee. Did you know that it is a Federal Law that sleazy supplement shysters are required by Federal Law to list SOY on their packaging. Can I ask you a favor, would you mind confirming for me that batch date on your 4 bottles for 4 dollars 4th of July special? Here is another poor sucker that seems to have taken the Gerald Commisiong scam bait on twitter. Does your 4 for 4 order have the same date as this poor fella from 4 days ago? 4-21-2021? That's well over a year old. Why did Gerald rip this poor guy off, Jorgeezzee?

So yeah, looks like Todos Medical is breaking ANOTHER Federal Law here with TOMDF. I don't see SOY or Titanium Dioxide on Todos Medicals Amazon account. Look here, Jorgeezzee, do you see SOY or Titanium Dioxide listed here on Tollovids Amazon account? Ingredients listed: Lithospermum Erythrochizon Extract, Lecithin, Powdered Cellulose, Enteric HPMC Vegetable Capsule (Delayed Response Formulation), Silicon dioxide (Natural Thickening agent), Magnesium Stearate (Natural Emulsifier). Manufactured on equipment that may process products containing soy, dairy, or nuts Do you see that last line there, look at the 3 red arrows. Maybe this is contributing to Todos Medical Miracles admitted allergy problems a month ago. Seems to me that the cheap chinese Tollovid could be cross contaminated and laced with with soy, nuts and dairy.

So now that we all know that Todos Medical has some serious "allergy" issues, let's run through them real quick. The surprise soy in Tollovid isn't too bad I guess. Only roughly .5% of the general population have soy allergies, but the ones that do, it can be very serious, I could easily see someone with a bad soy allergy not seeing soy on the Tollovid label or on the description of the product online, and miss that practically hidden 3 arrow disclosure on Amazon about contaminated chinese machines deep in the heart of Wuhan China. That's only roughly 2 million Americans, only God knows how many world wide, and they say that people that do have soy allergies usually have pretty severe reactions, lets just hope that no one on twitter takes Geralds fake Dr. bait with a severe soy allergy, lets just hope that they're packing their Epi-pens

An allergic reaction to soy may appear as quickly as within minutes of eating soy. In some cases, an allergic reaction may take hours to show symptoms. While each patient may experience varying symptoms of a soy allergy reaction, the most common include:

Hives or rash
Swelling in the lips, tongue, mouth, throat, or around the eyes
Nasal congestion
Wheezing or shortness of breath
Nausea or vomiting
Abdominal pain or discomfort

I guess we'll just keep our eyes out for these symptoms, and pray that no one with a severe soy allergy doesn't look at the Tollovid label and think it's ok. Prayers up that they have their two epinephrine auto-injectors on hand to deliver rapid treatment in case of accidental ingestion that could put them into Anaphylaxis shock and kill them. Here is a good Food Allergy 101: Soy Allergy Symptom | Avoid Soy Products VIDEO:

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What's worse, a nut allergy or a dairy allergy, Jorgeezzee? Lets take a look...nut allergies look pretty serious to me. Lets just hope that they are packing their epinephrine auto-injector to deliver rapid treatment in case of cross contamination from disclosed Todos Medicals tainted chinese manufacturing equipment. After all its only roughly 400,000,000 million people on the plant that suffer with nut allergies, right? I guess we'll just keep our eyes out for people suffering from these nut allergy symptoms:

raised red bumps on the skin – hives (urticaria)
swelling of the lips.
tingling of the throat and mouth.
itchy skin and rash.
runny nose.
tightening of the throat.
digestive symptoms – cramps, stomach pain, nausea or vomiting.

Dairy allergies look real bad, Jorgeezzee. Did you know that half the adult population of the United States of American have a Dairy allergy? I did not know that. It's probably less than that so lets use 36% of Americans are lactose intolerant. That's roughly 120,000,000 million Americans, literally more than 1/3rd of the country. Better odds than Africa I guess with 80% lactose intolerant. I wonder if any of this explains all of the GI issues I see Tollovid takers have been reporting. All 3 cause GI issues and Diarrhea. A lot of the 3 contaminants cause almost all of the symptoms I see reported on twitter, Amazon, and trust pilot, you don't see those reviews on MyTollovid.con because they hide them. Maybe for Todos Medical Miracles next big 1,000% marked up "sale" they could throw in a free Epi-pen, and at least a 5 day supply of diapers for the diarrhea.

It's all starting to come together, it's all adding up. Gerald and his team of goons have been frantically pitching their expired, first batch of the Tel Aviv Tollovid poison. They know it's defective, and expired, I guess they just don't care. They admitted there was an allergy problem and did nothing. Now the poor desperate covid long haul patients are getting suckered into this scam and coming out feeling worse off then they were before they started taking Tollovid. Now the Tollovid injuries are piling up on Todos Medical something fierce. I guess it turns out that Tollovids secret recipe of poisons are even more worthless than the vaccines, and just like with the vaccine, NO REFUNDS! All these sick desperate people falling right into Todos Medicals trap. Gerald himself with his HALF A POUND of Tollovid world record proves that no matter how much cheap chinese gromwell root you eat, it does absolutely nothing to prevent Covid-19. No ones going to believe that it will do a damn think to cure Covid 19 or "long covid" either. These posts are helping me organize my files for my FTC Tel Aviv Tollovid scam folder. I better get to work. I'm not even half way through both sides of this TOMDF scam yet. I better buckle down so I can collect all of this data for the FTC report I plan on submitting by end of the day on Monday. Then I'll start working on my SEC report. That'll be more work than this first FTC report. I better get to work. Hey, Jorgeezzee. I gotta go, but if you don't mind can you tell me what your "batch date" is on your most recent tollovid order that you just received? Oh, and does it say on the label that it has soy in it or not? Thanks!