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07/15/22 8:47 AM

#495139 RE: hoffmann6383 #495130

Funny. That’s exactly what supporters of Theranos said.
Blind trust is never a good thing.


07/18/22 8:44 AM

#495888 RE: hoffmann6383 #495130

Sure, and people don't need to invest in their stock. But when you do things that hurt your investors, you limit the pool of potential future investors, which hurts financing and other things.

The thing is, how does dribbling the release of TLD improve their chances of approval? Release of TLD and approval are, AFAIK, completely different processes. I support them doing what is best long term as well but until I have an explanation for why they did what they did, I have no way of determining if it is the best for the long term. Giving them a pass on everything just because they have done a great job getting us this far is not, IMO, a good investment strategy.

The closer you get to the goal, the more likely you are to lose focus and make mistakes. The Greeks knew this (look at the story of Psyche for just one example) two-thousand+ years ago. In addition, when you are surrounded by insiders and insulate yourself from outside information and ideas, you get the echo-chamber/bubble effect and it can blind you to danger, to others' needs and points-of-view, and lull you into seeing the world myopically. Two+ years of mostly silence and many years of the same people with little infusion of new ideas and perspectives, can be dangerous. Until they start talking, we don't know if there is cause for alarm or not.