JRoon71, All good points. Sadly, AMRN management has not been able to get
across the narrative that Vascepa is a wonder drug and any purported substitute
is NOT the same and may be crap! When JL used to say that Vascepa would
sell itself I would counter that "education" was the key to a successful launch.
Education of doctors, institutions, and patients as to why Vascepa was special.
Today I believe that only if AMRN is owned by a Euro-centric BP will the uptake
of Vazkepa ever be optimized for Europe and the ROW. My speculation is that
Denner has the same conclusion. I do not like the current BOD as they appear
to have decided not to engage with Denner, their largest shareholder and that
stinks of POOR management. Management has failed on so many levels...
Dilution due to stock grants to management, failure to defend the price of the
stock, and not aggressively going after the STAT/Nissen gang for their biased
reporting. AMRN needs to placed in the hands of a Pfizer, Merck, or Novartis.