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07/06/22 8:54 PM

#107729 RE: mattymatt66 #107716

The very fact that I have incomplete data is the reason I am long in LWLG. I realize I could be wrong and I’ve acknowledged the very positive things that they have done. I’m just not all or nothing. It’s all risk reward. Even though my gut tells me to stay away,I’m willing to risk a little bit for the big reward but I’m not willing to risk a lot because I don’t believe enough. It’s really that simple. I’ve been posting a fair amount the last few weeks because I’ve been in the process of reviewing the company to try to figure out where I really stand. That includes asking questions of the board and getting different opinions. Thank you all for those opinions. I probably won’t be very vocal going forward for a while because I’ve made my decision until something new comes up that changes my conviction level