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07/06/22 7:05 PM

#382462 RE: ziploc_1 #382414


The point is that Ekman and PWO have known each other

The point? You did not provide anything to support this. If their history suggests anything it suggests the opposite ...

no coincidence that Ekman hired PWO as a member of the BOD

Ekman hired PWO???

Meanwhile Ekman was the member of the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee and the Chairman / member of the Board ... he is one member only among others.
New MoB are recommended by the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee and the Board voted ... so it was Elkman's hire.

retired shortly afterwards

Retired (as Chairman)? ... Not likely.

Per Wold-Olsen joined in January, Erin S. Enright and Alfonso Zulueta joined in May ... 3 members of the 8 was new ... so the Board make a new election / voting about the Chairman position in May ... and the 8 members - by voting - elected PWO. Ekman has a special "count" - as a Chairman if it is necessary - voting result is 50/50 - to decide something

It was not a one and only change / reorganization in May:
- the Audit Committee: new Chairman Enright (instead of van Heek)
- Remuneration Committee: new Chairman Wold-Olsen (instead of Stack)
