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07/04/22 1:37 PM

#492235 RE: Judge Smails 40 #492234

There are many independence days the world over celebrating the end of British rule so no big deal at all.


07/04/22 2:03 PM

#492241 RE: Judge Smails 40 #492234


from the chart, seems more downside to go.

MACD still negative, low green line point to 30 cents. Question is, will it touch low green line in next 2 months?

Poor Man -

07/04/22 4:20 PM

#492252 RE: Judge Smails 40 #492234

To this day in the UK, the name Betsy Ross is still never uttered in polite company. Occasionally you’ll hear a “F’ George Washington” yelled from a passing vehicle if they notice you’re a Yankee. :-)

Actually in my own personal experience, the thing that Brits tend to hold against America from a historical perspective was the late entrance into both World Wars. Otherwise, they tend to be proud (if not a bit snobbish) of the U.S. and the Common Wealth countries.

How is the Fourth of July viewed in the UK? Just curious…. And I’m sure views and things change often with different generations especially with how society has changed so much recently