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06/29/22 11:20 AM

#364728 RE: nidan7500 #364727

Anavex learning from and about the process as much if not more than trial results. Trial results are targeted for success #1, FDA approval #2 and further trial design and process refinement #3.

As Nidan hammers home daily, the process, elevating learning, never shortchanged.

Dr. Missling isn’t in this to hit Alzheimer’s and retire.

Anavex has already changed Health Care for the better by demonstrating success in multiple trials where failure isn’t just the norm, it has caused some large pharma co’s to stop trying.

They gave up!

Wake up kids, it’s time to start the day!

Yup, as many here have suspected...AVXL (AKA treatment beyond symptoms) is the last thing BP/WS and extended treatment HC businesses want to see or hear about. As has been mentioned in the past, this may splain our AVXL stealth practices.


06/29/22 11:42 AM

#364733 RE: nidan7500 #364727

Nidan and're both right on in this line of consideration.


06/30/22 9:23 AM

#364812 RE: nidan7500 #364727

Good loints trader and Nidan, I totally agree. We need total focus and maximum proof to make it to market for what we are proving out. The fact that we have NO partnership to date gives me great confidence in our science as MANY partnerships for many failed drugs in much earlier trial stages have been announced.

Patients and patience!!!!