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06/28/22 7:11 AM

#490680 RE: Sluicebox #490667

Good catch Sluice that the vaccine kicks in to the control patients only after a ~7 to 8 months time frame; no wonder the 2018 JTM paper gave an mOS of the blended population to around 21 months. Makes perfect sense now. I was always wondering how comes? Now Sluice cleared my question. Thanks Sluice, you are a great thinker as well.
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06/28/22 9:12 AM

#490702 RE: Sluicebox #490667

An explanation could be that the returning tumor is more mutated, and hence, easier to find. And so when the controls begin their first set of multiple DCVax shots, the T cells have an easier target locate?

Ashkan made the point (as have many of us over the years) that if they could have used the returning tumor tissue to make the vaccine), the response would likely be even better. He would know, too, as he sees the responses of the UK Specials patients, who are likely using their returning tumor tissue to make their vaccines. I doubt there have been many (if any) newly diagnosed GBM patients in that set, because, due to the out-of-pocket expense, these patients (over the past seven of so years) have likely turned to DCVax as a last resort.

Anyhow, that’s one of the possible reasons that may account for your observation.
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06/28/22 9:43 AM

#490727 RE: Sluicebox #490667

One of the first reactions to the data by some on this board when it came out was that DCVax-l might work quite well at crossover because most of them were not on chemo anymore. Note the observation that a little less than a third chose to take bevacizumsb in addition to DCVax-l at crossover. We still need to see remaining patient survival stats on all patients in addition to time from randomization on crossovers.
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07/03/22 12:39 PM

#492159 RE: Sluicebox #490667

Sluicebox, the 20.2 - 21.2 months that you calculated for the rGBM arm correspond to time from surgery and the 19.3 months for nGBM arm correspond to time from randomization. In order to compare those two numbers, you need to add 3.1 months (average time between surgery and randomization) to the nGBM arm mOS, So the comparison is 20.2 - 21.2 Vs. 22.4. This means that the patients from the nGBM arm lived longer than the patients from the rGBM arm as would be expected in my opinion.