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06/26/22 5:02 AM

#10381 RE: StocksGoneWild #10380

Damn Gerald, your little dog whistled JDIF goon seems to be losing his mind, Gerald. aww your cute little lapdog pocket poodle thinks he's a pittbull, Gerald. It's so cute, maybe you should check in on him, Gerald, he doesn't seem well. I'm actually enjoying watching him destroy himself. I'm so glad I caught you sending your little dog whistling go signals to your JDIF goon squad. That's shady, Gerald. What are you some kind of thug, Gerald? Sicking your little mangy hell hounds on a whole group of innocent people just because you didn't like what someone was saying about you on the internet, Gerald? That's crazy Gerald. Look, we can circle back to your 2-bit low IQ JDIF goon squad later, we have much more important matters to discuss, and because I'm a man of my word and I promised a reaction to every single one of your JDIF goons actions, it looks like I owe you 9, Gerald. I figured you'd of learned by now, Gerald, but obviously not. So I'll try to pack 3 or 4 "eyes" into one post because I have other things to do.

Gerald, I'm sure I don't need to remind that you are the CEO of this company. You are the highest paid CEO in the history of the OTC with a salary of $726,305 a year, and are paying yourself more than 99% of the highest paid medical specialists in the US. So theoretically, you should be held to the very highest standard as a CEO of a public company. You all should. Officers and directors owe a duty of loyalty to a corporation and its shareholders. They are expected to put the welfare and best interests of the corporation above their own personal or other business interests, and from what I'm seeing you guys are dropping the ball, big time. Do you know what the average salary of an Israeli Dr. in Israel is, Gerald? The average pay for a Doctor Of Medicine In Israel is ILS 476,654. The highest paid Doctors in Israel is around ILS 616,979. Let me convert that into US dollars for you Gerald. ILS 476,654(average) = $139,689 US and ILS 616,979(highest paid) = $180,813 US. Every single one of your Israeli Doctors on your payroll is making way more than the highest paid Doctors in Israel. Why is that, Gerald? I think it's time that all of you geniuses need to start doing some real work, and handling some or your real issues that is concerning your shareholders, Gerald.

Lets start with some of these recent reviews, Gerald. You need to fix this shit immediately. Let's go over them together, shall we, Gerald? This ones from last week, Gerald. Why is this poor lady not getting anyone to return her calls or emails, Gerald? You took her money, and you just ghosted her, Gerald? Is this some sort of hit job, Gerald? Your customer service seems to be shit-tier at best. Which one of your highly over paid Officers & Directors are in charge of Customer Service, Gerald? Who ever it is is dropping the ball badly, Gerald. I know it's fun to play fake Dr. on twitter all day & night, but you have things that need immediate attention, Gerald. I suggest you handle this quickly.

What about this one, Gerald? Has any of your Noble Prize Winning tier Israeli Doctors Of Medicine checked on her, Gerald? Was it your GOYwell root that made her feel worse, Gerald? Will she be included in your little "study" Gerald? Does this count and one of the "very, very small subset" with adverse reactions to the most recent "formulation" of your Chinese/Israeli GOYwell root, Gerald? I doubt it.

What about this poor guy, Gerald? He just wanted to help his sick wife, Gerald. Was this guy one of the poor souls that posted a #longcoved hastag on twitter that you swooped in on with your pitch, Gerald? Or was it all of that shiny and expensive GOYlovid marketing material that I see blasted all over Twitter?

Jesus, Gerald, WTH is this? This would piss me off so badly, Gerald. This poor guy, Bill P. has been begging you to stop hitting his credit card for your GOYwell root for 3 months, Gerald. Will you please call this guy tomorrow, and give him his money back, Gerald. That is literally stealing, Gerald. I wonder If he's the only one having this problem, Gerald. NOT COOL!

Is this why peoples credit cards keep getting throttled with out the consent of the customer, Gerald? They don't have access to their own accounts, Gerald? Not a good look for a fist time customer, Gerald.

WTH! what about this lady, Gerald? She say she's a Doctor, Gerald. You just gonna ghost her too, Gerald? I'll chalk this one up to another hit job, and definitely NOT a good look, Gerald. Fix this shit, Gerald. You should have one of your Top 1% of the pay scale Doctors call this lady Immediately, Gerald.

Not cool, Gerald...not cool.

Damnit, Gerald, is this poor customer service, or are you guys just stealing peoples money? You had a customer here, but I can guarantee you, he will never be back.

Good Lord, Gerald...this is no way to do business, Gerald. I'm praying, for your customers and shareholders sake that at least some of that 123% increase in G&A expenses last quarter is going to your customer service department, and not just to you & the tribes already massively bloated salaries. Find out who this asshole is and fire him immediately.

Gerald, If you say you are going to do something, DO IT! You dropped the ball on this guy and imo you owe him $25 dollars. Handle it, Gerald.

This was 10 months ago, Gerald. You should be listening to your customers, Gerald, and fixed these problems before they become bigger problems like they obviously have. Your customer service is shit, Gerald. Why don't you do something about it NOW, Gerald!

Now to be fair, I did look at some of your "good" reviews too. However, some of them just don't seem organic to me, Gerald. Who does this, Gerald? Have you ever bought a product, especially one that was supposed to make you feel better, and left a review just to praise the "customer service" department, but not mention the actual product at all? Some of these seems suss to me, Gerald. Is this more work of your JDIF goon squad playing damage control on your shitty "customer service department" Gerald? Kinda looks like it doesn't it, Gerald.

Gerald, I read one of your tweets yesterday, and it really activated my almonds. It's kind of concerning and I think you need to address it immediately. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this, but are these copious amounts of Titanium Oxide, and Soy that are causing allergic reactions in your "patients" the same GOYlovid product that is currently listed for sale on Amazon? I sure tf hope not, Gerald. If it is, then I would highly recommend that you take all of your GOYlovid down from Amazon immediately, Issue a recall, a refund, and have your "customer service dept" contact all of your customers TODAY and notify them of the recall and tell them DO NOT TAKE IT! You have customers and shareholders wolfing down 5 GOYlovid tablets a day, Gerald, and washing it all down with the GC cool-aid. If you were aware that the product was causing an allergic reaction, and did nothing, I can guarantee you that you will be sued. At very least make a clear statement about wth you are talking about here in this tweet, Gerald. This is why I tell you to STOP playing pretend Dr. on Twitter, Gerald.

Here are a couple of your customers on Amazon that claim the Israel GOYwell root made them sick. Was this from the allergic reaction you spoke of in your tweet, Gerald?

Speaking of getting sued, one of your favorite JDIF shills is threatening to sue me for what I've said here, Gerald. After I recovered from a hardy chuckle, I thought of you, Gerald. I suggest you call him, and tell him to stop throwing stones in glass houses, Gerald. As I'm sure you already know, you've been served with two cease & desist orders from governing bodies, Gerald. Once for your paid promotion with b-tier fitness personality Billy Blanks and another from the Federal Trade Commission for a large number of misleading tweets and other social media posts about your worthless GOYlovid product. They are watching you closely, Gerald. I'm no Doctor, but after reading a number of your tweets from the last few weeks, I say at least a dirty dozen of them that were highly suspect to me. They told you directly in the letter that they sent you that you will be fined $40k a pop for your misleading play Dr. Tweets. Are you ready to take $400-$500k out of you're salary to pay these fines, Gerald? I doubt it. Most likely your shareholders just get another big bill for that. They can shut you down in an instant, Gerald. Another reason I tell you to STOP playing pretend Dr. on twitter.

Also, Gerald, what happened to "Trust The Science"? So far I've noticed at least two times that you have shouted down qualified people that were telling you your GOYlovid product was shit. For example: This guy tells you that he literally works in the natural product drug discovery space. I think he also has a PhD in Astronomy and has authored many books, I guess my point is, Gerald, this guy is a whole smarter than you when it comes to formulating natural medical products, and you shout him down, then tell him to buy your GOYlovid? Am I sensing a touch of narcissism running through your veins, Gerald. Not a good look, dude. You better hope he doesn't buy a bottle of GOYlovid and really examine it, and prove you wrong after the way you talked to that man, Gerald.

And there's this guy too. I found this in the comment section of Jacquelyn's YouTube video. You remember her, Gerald? You paid her with 2 free bottles of Israeli GOYwell root to produce this cute little promotional video for GOYlovid. Except she forgot to mention the all important disclaimer info that the Federal Trade Commission has warned you about, and been up your ass about, and she also conveniently forgot to mention the fact that she was given 2 free bottles of GOYlovid to produce the video for you, Gerald. I didn't realize this until I read the comment section under the video where someone calls her out about the disclosure, and that's where she comes clean on the free product for payment she "forgot" to mention. You'll notice in the comment section the Doctor that made this comment also said that GOYlovid was shit, and he was also shouted down by what looks like more of your JDIF goon squad, Gerald. So much for "Trust The Science" right, Gerald.

Look Gerald, neither of us are Doctors, and we cant officially diagnose anyone with anything, but I do know that you and your little JDIF pocket poodles that you dog whistled on us have been friends for awhile. You should also know that my wife IS actually a Doctor, she has her PhD in Psychology. Don't worry Gerald, You still make 4X more than her even though she could probably run your company 4X better than you. She is a very high IQ individual and overall high quality person, and I have learned quite a bit about Psychology from her, and I must say that I am fascinated by it, especially Personality Disorders like Narcissism and BPD. I like knowing what makes people tick, Gerald, and I think it's safe say that you and that mangey little JDIF pocket poodle of yours share a lot of the same qualities, Gerald. Did you know that extreme Virtue Signaling is a tell tale sign of a personality disorder, Gerald? I've been seeing a lot of this out of the two of you, Gerald.

I'll tell you this, Gerald. You and your mangey pack of low IQ JDIF goons can keep threatening me, trying to Gaslight me, Extreme Virtue Signal your heart out about me, Gerald, I don't give af. None of it affects me in the slightest, In fact, I thrive on it, It gives me strength, Gerald. I'll do and say whatever I want, whenever I want, to whoever I want. Your sick little JDIF goons can't intimidate me, or stop me. The fact is, Gerald, I am not enslaved to my social image, like you narcissists are. Remember that, Gerald. I tried to warn them all, Gerald, I did for months. They ignored me and kept coming, they kept laughing, and antagonizing, and literally provoking me, Gerald. They were all having such a good time, Gerald. They just would not stop, Gerald, I knew it wasn't organic, and it wasn't until I realized that you were dog whistling, and encouraging them the whole time, Gerald. Well, no one seems to be having a good time now, are they Gerald? I just wanted to be left alone, Gerald. I tried hard to stop it, Gerald. They just wouldn't stop. Did you really think that there wouldn't be any consequences for all of this, Gerald? Well now I'm here, but it doesn't really matter how I got here now does it, Gerald. All that matters now is where we go from here, Gerald, but I can guarantee you this, Gerald. If it continues, I will continue, and believe me, I can get much worse. If you or those literally psychopathic rabid little JDIF pocket poodles of yours think that their pride is more important than your shareholders pain, then keep on blowing that little dog whistle of yours, Gerald. Let me forecast the future for you, Gerald. If you want to keep fighting hate with hate, I will make this board my permanent home, but much worse than that, I will dust off my old Twitter account, and within a day, I will have GOYlovid and GOYwell root trending. I will be like your shadow on Twitter, Gerald. I will be right there with you on Twitter as I watch you stalk and pray on people within the #longcovid community. I will expose and disgrace you in front of the entire #covid #longcovid community that you and the tribe try so hard to impress, I won't let you exploit them, Gerald and It's probably all gonna put that mental little Gaslighting JDIF goon of yours in a mental hospital where he belongs, Gerald. Or we can all just simply start exercising The Golden Rule. You remember the Golden Rule, Gerald? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. No one seems to like the taste of their own medicine now do they, Gerald. If you and your JDIF goons stop, I will never come here again, Gerald. If you/they don't, you will see me here every single day of the week. It's all up to you when this all stops, Gerald. I've made that perfectly clear, Gerald. I'll be watching closely and I really do hope that I never have to come back here ever again, Gerald. I guess we'll see. mazel tov, Gerald.
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06/27/22 12:42 PM

#10398 RE: StocksGoneWild #10380

SGW, I can see how you could form that conclusion regarding the vaccines. Perhaps that is true for some people, but there are many who have longstanding issues after contracting Covid who never got the vaccine, so the vaccine can't account for their issues.

Long Haul Covid is real. There are clearly multiple things going on and each individual dealing with it has different issues. Tollovid helps with many, but not all who try it. Tollovid alone won't be the solution. Tollovid can address the 3CL protease part, but if the immune system is compromised, possibly as a result of vaccinations as you suggested, the virus won't get cleared from the body and more 3CL protease will be created and issues return after the Tollovid dose is stopped or reduced to daily maintenance dosing.

Lots of unknowns remain, and will require government to acknowledge this is a problem and direct funds to more research and solutions.