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06/24/22 9:13 PM

#27450 RE: cautiousoptimism #27449

Cute. Now for the real questions plaguing grlt.

Any idea how a broke company with literally no shares available pays 36 million dollars in shares for another company?

Any idea why a company in the restaurant industry that can’t even open the first FuNKiNg restaurant is interested in a company that has nothing to do with restaurants?

Is the valuation right? 36 mil. For a 1 year old?

Grlt can’t even raise 20k but now they are magically raising a couple milly?

How stupiT does grlt think investors are? They are playing the fab five for fools.


06/25/22 8:03 AM

#27456 RE: cautiousoptimism #27449

zombie alert zombie alert

- 250,000,000 shares trade
- beer
- wine
- revenue
- pink currant

zombie apocalypse false alarm