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06/24/22 3:42 PM

#690204 RE: LuckyPanda #690197

I don't present myself to be an expert on the details of the various versions of the PORs. I think the equity committee was the main driver in not getting some of those early POR versions passed. I'm sure the hedgies would have been JUST FINE with it.

I suppose the Hedgefunds signed off on POR7 because they realized that it was the best deal that they would get. Many of these "investors" came in post bankruptcy and picked up their holdings for literally pennies on the dollar. They all made a whopping profit and moved on.

It seems to me that some people just arent able to take the "hints." I mean we are 14 years into this saga and there are folks that insist that there are still events forthcoming.

The Bankruptcy is over. The LT is closed. The escrow markers have been cancelled. There have been public pronouncements that there is nothing coming back. COOP is not hiding anything, and they certainly aren't breaking SEC rules to conceal the true Org Structure and assets.

EVERY SINGLE thing that has happened is just one additional nail in the coffin.

I've given up. whatever happens is completely out of my control. But I can control my own expectations and the related anxiety about the uncertainty that would accompany any remaining hope that I have. So I have just decided that its over. There is not a single shred of evidence that there is even a reason to think that MAYBE we would get something back.

We have this group of soothsayers that speak in tongues to try to convince everyone that a payday is just around the corner. They have literally been wrong about every single things for years and years and years. These folks dont actually present a coherent logical explanation for these claims, but rather some Magic 8-Ballish cryptic non-sense and then claim that they are smarter than you. They never make a firm enough prediction that they can be questioned about. Instead they let the reader determine what their cryptic message really means, and then they distance themselves from the interpretation when it doesn't occur. At that point, they begin their pivot to some new angle.

Its nonsense folks. Come to your senses