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06/21/22 12:11 AM

#201879 RE: rocketeer357 #201878

Bassitt Made an all star team last year. Look at his number since 2019, that doesn't spit out an ace, but it does look like a good #3 starter. Not a 5th starter like you make it out to be. Walker in my opinion is finally hitting his peak, if you remember last year he got off to a great start, and than the 2nd half hit the wall, of course he didn't pitch the number of inning he pitched last year at that point the last three combined hence why he hit the wall. I truely believe walker has outstanding stuff, and I truely believe he will post excellent results as last year he got through the innings needed to support being used like that this year.

But just because I said Walker, Bassitt, And Carrasco are really good sure, They good in the context that they are better than 3-4-5 pitcher, but on this team if degromm and schzerer are healthy and I continue to say we will at least need 1 healthy to win a championship I don't think we will need two, but two would make us one of the favorites to win it all.

To me your underestimation when I hear 2nd tier or lower, I'm thinking 4th to 5th starters. When In reality I think they are more 2/3, on a medicore team they are a 2 on a championship team they are 3's. Hope this helps.