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06/20/22 2:14 PM

#488447 RE: skitahoe #488444

I believe what NWBO intends to do about the share price is to reveal as much information as they can when they can. The key word is when. No doubt, others would have done it differently, but they told us what they were doing, and they are doing it.

How have they said "what they are doing"?

Over the last 10+ years they have made many statements about what they would do or communicate "soon". Virtually every single one proved worthless.

There is plenty of information they are free to disclose.

. Some clear disclosure on Advent/NWBO contract terms.
. Progress on 1B Sawston buildout.
. Flaskworks GMP status (milestones)
. Flaskworks commercial status for DCVax-L

. DCVax-L BLA,MAA status

. WTF happened to the trial in 2015-2018 timeframe


06/20/22 2:22 PM

#488449 RE: skitahoe #488444

The Quiet Period has been going on for way too long. It actually began with Woodford and Phase 5 over 7 years ago as a method to avoid confrontation from attacks. And that seemed reasonable.

But gee whiz, this Quiet Period from 10-5-2020 has gone on long enough. NWBO with their piecemeal deceptive approach with info to shareholders needs to end. Having some here with investigational qualities to uncover apparent events or probables is not useful or chosen method to keep us informed.

I have supported LP for many years, however since her recent behavior and lack of projected progress info since DL....I really do despise her.

GL Gary

Poor Man -

06/20/22 2:32 PM

#488452 RE: skitahoe #488444

Gary, if they’re forming a spin-off of sorts, that would explain any lack of movement in terms of staffing or governance, which is what’s thrown me off for a year. Forming a new company means new management, staffing, directors and addressing various resource related matters.

Might also be a reason for why there’s so much attention devoted to Advent, but very little information or progress on the CRL/Cognate contract.

But none of that would be public information or otherwise announced since it’s not happening at NWBO. Moreover, this might explain adding a second listing advisor for guidance since the newco would likely become a public company,

Another problem this would solve, by selling or dissolving NWBO, that gets rid of a company with serious reputational problems. Better to start over again.

If this is the direction where everything is headed, it’s an awfully complicated transaction.