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06/18/22 2:38 PM

#95289 RE: VC3 #95288

Definitely! And before clicking PLACE ORDER on any brokerage website when a pennystock ticker is in the buy box.

IUI - Investing Under the Influence

PWI - Pennyvesting Whilst IntoXXXicated

wReckless Pennygambling kills portfolios and net worths.

Brokerages ought to require a dongle to attach to customer computers and smartphones that scans the user for intoXXXicating substances before executing any trade involving a pennystock.

Drink driving is stoopid. So is wasted driving. So is pennyvesting. All stoopidity!

Glad that I am nott the one being referred to - or if so, very mistakenly. Better dubble-Czech DaSource. (Oops-whoops!!!)