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06/15/22 9:18 PM

#33020 RE: New Doctor #33019

Is the stock market a scam as well?


06/15/22 9:45 PM

#33021 RE: New Doctor #33019

Try harder... the world is ending might work lol


06/15/22 10:18 PM

#33023 RE: New Doctor #33019

Something you should be intimately familiar with.

Scams come and go since the beginning of time.

AGAIN in case you missed it:

Only the Entrenched Dinosaurs think BTC is a bubble, where as BTC will be here long after the USD bubble bursts. 2140 at a minimum. No idiotic 2k BTC forecasts....the embarrassment of the centry.
AVOID the Dinosaur analysis where they apply 70+ year old T & A to a brand new asset class that's only 12 yrs old.(clear demonstration to the world, they have no clue, comparing btc to shares in a co.).

The quote/sticky below explains the disconnect clearly.
For those that completely do NOT understand the coin. There's 2 out of 4 groups that understand it best, and YES it favors the young.

In order of those who get it the least to those that fully understand:

1. The entrenched wall street fat cats 20+ years experience don't get it.
2. The same group above, plus those who DON'T want to get it.
3. The wall street Pro's who not only get it, their already on board.
4. Last but definitely not least, the early adopters and youngsters, aka millennials.

The last two groups will leave groups # 1 & 2 in the dust, and personally, nothing.....absolutely NOTHING thrills me more. Those are they very ones that stole from retail cheating and/or manipulating for decades. Now groups 3 & 4 will make the money 1 & 2 left at the door.


06/15/22 11:05 PM

#33024 RE: New Doctor #33019

Dinosaurs have been calling lower since 65k or so, its 22k now, Dino doo doo is gonna drop on BTC next time it goes below 20k.