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11/04/03 5:38 PM

#16560 RE: zen 88 #16559

Who is Howie?


11/04/03 5:38 PM

#16561 RE: zen 88 #16559


i'm not suggesting failure in the least.

but the "space" that SKS claimed to "own" seems to have squatters, holdover tenants, etc.

and IMO, if Softy decides to marginalize the TCG it truly "owns" the (OS) space.

i read Dvorak's recent rant & could only wonder why he was so upset (while he was simultaneously trying to convince readers that TC is a "joke" & that TCG was a paper tiger & more like a "drinking club" (his words)).

my inference was that he knows it *is* coming.

whether Wave gets the crumbs (reminds me of Tom Hanks' character's wife's description of his job in "Bonfire of the Vanities") of attestation, etc. really remains to be seen. (they'd be some pretty big crumbs IMO)

but one has to ask if BF's questions have merit:

if Wave is "the s***" why is the stock performing so poorly (in the face of a massive across-the-board equity rally no less)?!?

the dance floor is quickly becoming far more crowded than a casual reader of this board might otherwise surmise.

anyway, i'm holding a lot of wavx (today) & will keep looking for some better visibility as to where this sub-segment is going tomorrow.


11/04/03 6:40 PM

#16587 RE: zen 88 #16559

ZEN: Permit me to politely suggest...

[Suppressed Sound Link]