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06/14/22 10:40 AM

#104845 RE: XenaLives #104804

True Xena. There is little to no

political will from either side to bust up the "too big to fail" gang. Breaking up monopolies has been very successful and beneficial historically speaking. Remember the ATT break up for an example. And of course there was the trust busting of the Theodore Roosevelt era. Both allowed for more competition and caused new companies to bloom in size much faster than if the original company had been allowed to stay as one.

As the article supports, the opportunity for action was during the 2008 financial crisis. Dodd-Frank was an attempt to do something in the absence of real reform. Half-measures are often doomed to allow the system to repeat the same problems and regulations that are not continually refined are worked around, resulting in new versions of the same old problems. We do not have a regulatory system that allows for necessary changes. Nearly all adjustments are stymied by interest groups lobbying in D.C. and the money they contribute to the representatives there. Apparently, it takes a true disaster for action of any kind to be attempted.

While we all watch the slow crash, I own some shares of a little company that promises to change the way we live. Let us hope that LWLG can keep its roots tightly held to the ground during this new economic crisis. I have confidence that they will.
