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06/08/22 12:31 PM

#362691 RE: plexrec #362686


AD--PD--PDD--Autism !!!!!! Holy smokes--what do we have here ?????? Holy Grail !!!

IMO, maybe for many it will be seen that way. Reality is (IMO) this is a path which should have been understood and taken before now. Stop and consider how many families, kids, others have worked their lives to live w/these circumstances.

I am looking for some brave souls to conduct some kind of after action report here. What is holding this up now? Look at the costs /spending on this condition. Is that a part of the reason for the continued foot dragging? IMO, there is more to this delay than just sloppy science. If that is true then some kind of assessment is warranted.

I want AVXL to win this one BIGLY, BUT I also want some serious question asked.
IMO, some thing (big $$$$$) is not right w/our HealthCare systems ability to asses causes , then to act/analyze as Dr.M. has done.