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Poco Parvenu

06/08/22 9:53 AM

#15977 RE: Edward #15976

Reality check, stock price is due to they doing business with toxic financing who you can read about by referencing the filings and looking up the financers; sometimes that is the only way to fund a company that is a startup and from what I have seen in the years of following this stock, they have done well on a shoe string budget.

Donating Passive Portals to a large university, a city Police Department, and a County Sheriff's office is good marketing for an unknown product. Getting feedback from these entities I am sure is helping them make an even better product for the safety of others.

Evolv, if that is who you consider their competitor by past posts, uses active magnetic fields, not passive magnetic fields like the Passive Portal. Evolv's system has a very high false positive rate as stated in many articles on line (Axios) They are also in trouble as their stock falls in price almost everyday due to they not getting sales. Hmm, I wonder why sales fell, couldn't be an ongoing pandemic, naw..?

This company is current on filings (expensive), getting more of a sales force and marketing team put together and other things they have announced. A scam company? It that a fact that you can show proof of, or is that your opinion, and if it is your opinion, you should state so.