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06/07/22 9:06 AM

#103472 RE: dblock110 #103471

Seriously. Should have just said “liar liar pants on fire”. Horrible.


06/07/22 9:07 AM

#103475 RE: dblock110 #103471

LWLG said what they had to say.
Plain and simple.


06/07/22 9:07 AM

#103476 RE: dblock110 #103471

Disagree, practically all companies put out statements regarding risks and uncertainties. Glad they made a statement.


06/07/22 9:10 AM

#103479 RE: dblock110 #103471

I can understand where you are coming from as it wasn't deep into detail going over how wrong they were. However they did also put in their PR;

"At the time of the misleading report's publication, Kerrisdale Capital declared that it held short positions and put options on Lightwave Logic's common stock. The misleading report is not an independent and disinterested report, its primary purpose is to devalue the Company's stock price in order for the short selling firm to profit at the expense of Lightwave Logic's shareholders."

With this statement you are clarifying why the price was declined and what the intentions of this report were. With this statement alone I do feel they handled it very graciously and professionally.


06/07/22 9:20 AM

#103492 RE: dblock110 #103471

Actually I wouldnt have replied to that disgusting document. Not even that PR

The infamous quality and intentions of the article do not deserve any attention from Management

"El mejor desprecio es no hacer aprecio"