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06/05/22 5:48 AM

#482537 RE: Horseb4CarT #482534

Yes, Quality of Life has been the key desire of several people I know dying and one now dead. Also, I have a cousin who is surviving after developing colon cancer to stop threatening after removal of almost all of his large intestine, only to find out he has multiple myeloma showing up in his blood tests every 6 weeks, but staying dormant. His quality of life is living under the threat of more cancer, but he is still functioning quite well, albeit with pain and lots of anxiety.

Bright Boy

06/05/22 10:21 AM

#482601 RE: Horseb4CarT #482534

Superb!!!! And thank you for sharing. It's truly infuriating to read the trash comments from people that have never experienced the heart wrenching battles to save loved ones fighting for their life against cancer!! Those people have obviously mistaken us for someone who respects their opinion!!!




06/05/22 11:51 AM

#482681 RE: Horseb4CarT #482534

I’ve taken the time to go through this detail to try to emphasize that a treatment with an excellent safety profile with no significant side effects that extends life by any amount, is already a winner of an option and a wonderful thing for the patients and their families. Add a significant OS benefit and a chance to effectively be one of the lucky ones that are cured asa practical matter, and that’s a far better option for GBM and other terrible cancers!

Thanks for sharing that personal story. It is the complexity of real life no-win decisions when drugs do not cure and the offer of extra months comes bound with miserable QoL. Why we are all here.


06/05/22 3:28 PM

#482801 RE: Horseb4CarT #482534

Horse4bCarT, thank you for sharing your heartfelt words and experiences. I do agree with you that more than doubling overall survival (OS) for GBM patients is a precious gift and a BFD.