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06/03/22 2:35 PM

#4278 RE: trunkmonk #4277

Like for instance right now. It dropped to a little above 1846 a couple times, now it’s about 1850. I don’t care how much higher it goes, I saw the signal. It WILL go back to 1847.


06/10/22 9:07 AM

#4303 RE: trunkmonk #4277

trunkmonk, I just posted this on a baby biotech board; it may be of some value. FYI......

Friday, June 10, 2022 8:32:56 AM

Re: tootalljones post# 360495

of 362843
We are living in a bear world you guys. About a week ago I posted when anavex popped back up to 9, that the rally was over and it would see new lows (below 7) by the month of august.
Looks like I was slightly off: I should have said July (June perhaps this very month perhaps?). When you look at Seeking Alpha, a fine financial community with hundreds of fund managers as members, many of whom wrote articles on this or that, what you see these days is one word they are all now starting to use: RECESSION.

Why is this a problem, and why does it affect AVXL?
regardless of the internal progress or developments of Dr. Missiling and his workforce? .
Because the last two recessions were very severe, the two most brutal since the Great Depression. I am talking about 2001 and 2008. The Fund Industry wants no part of that any longer for one reason only: they will lose their customers. So these guys are selling. Let the crazy lady who runs ARK high tech fund lose all of her client's money as she rides her tech fund down from 150 to 20 bucks. Just because she is a crazy lady from Caliland, does not mean you have to follow her down, because she is still getting paid, even if Ark goes to 5 bucks. It is not her money.

Don't listen to Dalio and Buffett, who claim to stay in for the longer term, with Ray Blow It out your AZZ Dalio saying on his speed dial ten times a day, "cash is trash," to keep the customers in equities till they lose it all. He ain't losing it all, he is a billionaire...don't let the financial industry mind control and destroy your finances, because they will if they can.

So don't be a fool, ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE AN OLDER INVESTOR....because in these severe recessions due to all the last 20 years of radical financial engineering by the government, you will be parted from your money.
The funds are selling now, and asking questions later. Do not be the last one at the party to leave, this has been a 12 year bull market, the longest in american history and valuations are still at stratospheric levels. And the american consumer, who is the fat slob on steroids running the american economy, is now shutting down. ...SHUTTING DOWN...look at Target and Walmart most recent reports. And the Americans are still debt engorged, in every way imaginable.

Don't be a fanatic or an ideologue.

A man only makes so much money in his lifetime. Put your dreams aside for now. Discretion is the better part of valor, as Shakespeare wrote. Don't be a Cali Crazy or you will be at their mercy.
Protect yourself at all times in the ring, an old and true boxing adage. In other words, don't expect the ref to protect you. At all times protect yourself in the ring, even on the clinch and the break. Don't expect good sportsmanship.

People will kill you over a dollar, trust me, I have tried well over 300 court cases.
People don't give a damn. I have had many emails from this board of appreciation over the past 7 months from older guys, thanking me from saving their behinds. This recession might be here already and it might just be getting started. My prediction for AVXL is an eventualy share price of $2.30, that is just my guess. Don't listen to the crazies or avxl fanatics on this board.

PS; to ignatious Reilly, I haven't urged anybody to buy a biotech in about a year....and when I buy and sell commodities stocks these days, I end up selling in a day or two and generally lose money. It is a bear market, everything goes down.