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06/03/22 1:15 AM

#26039 RE: Bluewingcap #26038

I suggest that a direct quote from a former central bank economist saying the models are wrong is a pretty useful concept to add to any investment outlook. That's an inside look at the policy making. You claim it is useless for an investor.

Former central bank economists are a dime a dozen. Greenspan said his "model" was flawed and broke during the Great Recession. Does anyone actually believe any economic models have been accurate? How are utilizing the "model is broken" concept in your investment outlooks?

I use my macro outlook to understand forces that can alter revenue/earnings trends for industries and individual portfolio companies.

Given your macro outlook, what is your model telling you how revenue and earnings are going to be impacted over the next 6 months and 12 months? What industries are going to see the largest impacts? What are the key macro inputs you use in your model?

And someone marketing quality investment research products is not a promoter in my world.

What are examples of these "Quality" investment research products?

And with that I will sign off on this exchange. Just needed to respond to what would be legitimate questions from someone without a history of trolling.

Trolling??? Because I ask questions you're unable to answer? I have been a member of this message board for a very long time. I also have a very busy career in M&A, that not only restricts what I can talk about but also limits by free time for posting and reading random investment boards.

Congrats on your investment and I'm not at all surprised you're promoting it. That's what promoters do.