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05/31/22 10:50 PM

#689238 RE: ron_66271 #689237

Who or what, is EC?

EC took control over the assets/money in that Trust.


05/31/22 11:49 PM

#689241 RE: ron_66271 #689237

" AAOC placed the assets in a Trust in Plan 6. EC took control over the assets/money in that Trust."

"AAOC placed the assets in a Trust in Plan 6."

As Plan 6 failed, can we find out the terms of that Trust?

"EC took control over the assets/money in that Trust."

Was the EC bound by the Plan 6 terms, or were they able to amend the Trust terms?


06/01/22 2:03 AM

#689243 RE: ron_66271 #689237

RON don't you think we need a lawyer to protect our interest. I am sure other would put in some money to retain one. Also since Sussman law firm helped negotiate this deal they would know what we are suppose to get. If you agree I am willing to send you some money for that firm and so are other, so we have a lawyer and some protection.


06/01/22 12:38 PM

#689289 RE: ron_66271 #689237

How do you know preferred is getting $72 a share. TIA