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06/02/22 3:30 PM

#2015 RE: creede #1998

SD and Warrants

Been offline for a couple of days. The other big risk to ALL fossil fuel companies is that the govt will change the rules. Govts around the globe are completely hostile to all fossil fuels and govt policies have totally created this self-inflicted energy crisis. Will they ever admit it was their fault? Never. They will blame those greedy coal, oil and gas companies.

Between now and the midterm elections I would not be surprised to see some sort of price controls or windfall profits tax on all fossil fuel companies. Just institute it by some sort of proclamation under this-or-that emergency powers act, and then let the courts strike it down 6 months later (after the elections).

Whether it's just stupid groupthink or a coordinated effort by all these politicians selling out to the WEF who seems to be setting the agenda for re-living every failed policy of the 70's is anybody's guess. But these people don't believe in free markets, they believe the govt is the solution to all problems.

The UK has already instituted a 25% windfall profits tax on fossil fuels. More than possible that such a thing happens here. Here, to keep with their narrative, they would probably call it something like the Unjust Putin Profits Tax.

These are not normal times. Meant to include this possibility too in my previous note, but was in a hurry to get out the door. 25% of the earnings for the entire energy industry could go away with the stroke of a pen. I obviously hope such a thing doesn't happen, but I do think it's a real possibility.