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05/30/22 5:08 PM

#102256 RE: SteveSchiets #102252

A M A Z I N G stuff Steve! Dank u wel.


05/30/22 5:10 PM

#102257 RE: SteveSchiets #102252

That's awesome Steve and a well deserved experience for you.

Thanks for sharing with us and for posting the ASM presentation. Full credit to you for all your postings and youtube videos throughout the years. You've been more than gracious with your time and efforts to increase LightWave Logic exposure and DD to longs and newbies alike.

Incredible times ahead!



05/30/22 5:15 PM

#102258 RE: SteveSchiets #102252

Great hearing that story SS! Thank you.


05/30/22 5:21 PM

#102259 RE: SteveSchiets #102252

When I saw Michael take you outside I scratched my head figured something special was happening. I said to Zelibor good for him, he deserves whatever he's getting, Glad you got a tour, I was afraid some folks would be jealous and give them a hard time that's why I said that.



05/30/22 5:49 PM

#102264 RE: SteveSchiets #102252

That is absolutely FANTASTIC!!!!! Thank you so much for sharing that with us! I agree that it's well deserved you were able to get that tour!


05/30/22 5:53 PM

#102265 RE: SteveSchiets #102252

Steve, you have outdone yourself here. Truly. You, KC, PG, X, Proto, Richard, Walter, Rkf, Theroc, Xena, Scope, Spartex, Grey Goode, Khaled, Tleprathy (sorry, really had you pegged for a short for a long time) LWLG Believer, Killer, Slim, C-3PO, Coldsuite… I mean the list of incredible contributions here go on for days! I know I am leaving folks out. This is by far the best Message Board out there… it is on par with the future of this technology, company and her leaders. And that is saying something!!!

It is unbelievable the information that has come together here.

And then you still my heart my with one word…


Oh my oh my. Talk about right place at the right time.

It will be just one of many more but wow…

Us longs are in for a ride… buckle up and enjoy,



05/30/22 6:05 PM

#102269 RE: SteveSchiets #102252

Great description of your lab tour experience Steve, and happy to hear you were given a special opportunity to see some of the operation.

Hopefully the "breakthrough" excitement you may have heard is just one of many, many more that Lightwave will develop in the weeks, months and years ahead!

Happy for you man!


05/30/22 6:13 PM

#102272 RE: SteveSchiets #102252

Holy Crap. Thanks Steve!

No pizza delivery required


05/30/22 7:57 PM

#102281 RE: SteveSchiets #102252

That's a great story Steve. And you didn't even have to deliver pizza. Good deal and thanks for sharing with us!


05/30/22 8:03 PM

#102284 RE: SteveSchiets #102252

Thx Steve


05/30/22 8:08 PM

#102286 RE: SteveSchiets #102252

Steve, it was my pleasure to meet you and many of our loyal shareholders. You are a gentleman and good things come to good people. Very happy for your and I do admit, I’m a bit jealous.

I/we did not have the same “Lab tour” experience. Mediabuzz, X and myself stopped at the office compound on the way to the hotel after arriving Wednesday to grab a quick picture in front of the Lightwave Logic sign. After the picture, we went to the front doors of what we thought was the lab and offices because there was a small LWLG sign next to door. The windows were blacked out and no cars in the front lot so we were a bit puzzled. I turned to buzz and X and tongue in cheek said that these guys are a bunch of bums, taking a day off on Wednesday before the annual shareholder meeting. Unbeknownst to us, as we drove to the next building, we discovered the actual offices and labs were behind the front building which we were trying to peak into. We got out, took some pictures and had a good laugh.

We actually got a good laugh from Tom Zellibor and Dr L that night as we shared our story and told them that we thought they were a bunch of lazy frauds for taking the day off.

Side note- the parking lot had about 20 cars or so in front of the offices. Nice to see no Rolls Royce’s, Maseratis, Lamborghinis… in my view, these guys are hungry. They have not cashed in their chips yet and my perception from the visit was they are hard working, modest people that know they have some good hard working days ahead and are not celebrating or flaunting their accomplishments to date. They understand the stakes.

We are fortunate to have a good character group piloting this ship.


05/30/22 10:09 PM

#102295 RE: SteveSchiets #102252

Steve.....thank you so much for sharing. What a wonderful experience for you, and what a wonderful testament to the company we all have invested in.


05/30/22 10:22 PM

#102297 RE: SteveSchiets #102252

An amazing ezperience-thanks for sharing, one and sll!


05/31/22 2:09 AM

#102303 RE: SteveSchiets #102252

Steve.....your writeup was outstanding! I am beginning to think that quite a few of the folks at or around that part of Denver are named Steve! I was able to visit the lab three years ago and believe me, I was impressed. I must admit that I did not then, nor now understand a fraction of what I was viewing or what was told.
The picture of you and Michael is priceless.....we all can say, "we knew him when". Anyhow thanks for the great writeup. If X gives you any problem I will straighten him out in August when he comes to The Greatland! Take Care and thanks again.....Steve


05/31/22 5:43 AM

#102305 RE: SteveSchiets #102252

Goodmorning Steve,

Thanks for your detailed story of the labtour. Besides all those details one thing keeps popping up in my mind. Michael Lebby kept his promise to you regarding the tour.

This strengthens my believe in him repeating the magic words again and again, UBIQUITOUS. Michael Lebby will keep this promise to the world too and hopefully the first steps of mass commercialization will be made this year.

BREAKTHROUGH for decades Amen !


05/31/22 6:18 AM

#102307 RE: SteveSchiets #102252

you deserve that Steve. You were the one that brought LWLG to our attention which resulted in a tsunami of investors over here. Michael acknowledged this by granting you this favour.


05/31/22 8:31 AM

#102321 RE: SteveSchiets #102252

Thanks Steve! Love that story - your hearing is pretty good, right? The kid in the lab said “breakthough”, not “break room”? Just kidding of course!