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05/30/22 8:40 AM

#689143 RE: ron_66271 #689140

Saturday, May 07, 2022 1:04:30 PM
Re: None
Post# 687831 of 689142

The List of Distributions Due.
1. Retained Earnings; ~$25 Billion 75/25%. Plus P’s performance for another +2.1X.
2. WMB 510(b), RICO “Willful Misconduct”, 41.6.
3. ABS/RMBS; “affiliates of the Debtor”. Remember: MARTA?
4. WMIIC; No, can’t look.
5. WMI Non-Debtor Subs that are now Active. Estimated assets value of around $30 Billion.

Will COOP purchase these assets with stock?
One COOP for six UQ’s. Numbers work.
The WaMu(WMI) enterprise held $375 Billion in Assets.

JPM will pay for WMB plus a multiple due to 41.6.
FDIC; “$299 Billion for WMB and it’s assets”.

JPM has/had $500 Billion in cash.

It’s been too long.

Yes Xoom you can post this on BP.