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05/28/22 1:47 PM

#218 RE: bigone #217

bigone thank you and I also really Hope that you and yours are having a nice
Memorial weekend, and that over the coming months Monument will have many
excellent news.

I found this message;

By Gazoo2021 (179)
May 26, 2022 - 08:13 PM

Dato Sia Hok Kiang owns 55 million shares of Monument;
Dato’ Sia Hok Kiang, Excecutive Chairman of Malaco Mining Sdn Bhd, is an
economic geologist and a successful miner with 32 years of mining and
exploration experience. Dato’ Sia has worked in many mining and exploration
projects in Peru, Brazil, Ecuador, Venezuele, Guyana, USA, Canada, Central
Africa, Mongolia, Australia, Indonesia, Cambodia and Malaysia.
He is a hands-on man and is familiar with the formation and distribution of mineral
deposits, and the economics of mining projects.
Besides being a Council Member of the Malaysian Chamber of Miners and the
member of the Malaysian Geological Society, Dato’s Sia is actively advising the
Department of Mineral and geoscience of the Malaysia Ministry of Natural and
Environment of matters relating to economic gelogy.

Research Interest
Natural and Environment of matters relating to economic geology, Geoscience

Gazoo2021 (179)
May 26, 2022 - 12:43 PM

Best Way Forward
Dear Fellow Shareholders

Dato with his 55 million shares has the hammer.

Not only is his money at stake, but his reputation as an astute business person
and mining professional are at play.

Like us, he has observed the dung show and like us he must be saying WTF.

No news releases, no updates, missed promotional opportunities and a lack of
interest in the share price or valuation.

How long can Dato tolerate this management infectiveness to lead this corporation
while taking in substantial wages.

He and us deserve better and based on his capabilities we will changes.

I continue to accumulate, as this is so undervalued due to our present executive.

The best way forward includes Dato leading on his and our behalf.
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05/28/22 2:48 PM

#219 RE: bigone #217

By nozzpack (1944) May 27, 2022 - 06:55 AM

RE:Dato Sia Hok Kiang owns 55 million shares
Dato remains active and currently is Chairman of an ASX listed company , knows
Western Australia and its mineral companies like the back of his hand and is also
adjunct Professor of Malay University due to his special knowledge of alluvial

His history is that of a person who succeeds at whatever project he puts his hand
on and remains intimately involved with the Malay and SE Asia mining

Owing 55 million shares and his hand clearly visible in new and activated projects
currently expressed in our mining portfolio , he has what it takes to succeed once
again with Monument.

No need to remind ourselves that Monument holds what is perhaps the most
attractive undeveloped gold tenements in Western Australia, within a rapidly
diminishing choice of such TO assets.

Is A Historic Bull Market In The Mining Shares About To Begin?

Monument Mining Ltd. Hard Book. value

Cash, inventory , PPE depreciated at cost less liabilities amount to $65 million US
or about $80 million in CAD.$ ( $0.25 cad per share)

Exploration and Evalustin ( essentially ounces of gold in 43-101 ) is valued at $60
million US or about
$75 million in cad ( $0.22 CAD per share )

Total net asset value is $155 million CAD which is about $0.47 CAD per share.

You May quibble about the E and E valuation , with arguments a bit above or a bit
below , but it would be difficult to offer less than 40 cents in any going private offer
for the company..

Have a great holiday weekend

Monument Mining VIDEOS



Peter Grandich: The Most Bullish Precious Metals Setup in my 38-Year Career

RE:Great Investment!

New flotation plant should be starting it`s dry runs in as little as 2 weeks .
I really hope they make some effort to keep us updated .
This is going to get pretty exciting .
Along wait but maybe we`re finally going to catch a break .
I think so .
Inflation is wicked now . It will be good for gold . That`s for a different post .
by Wayne

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