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05/27/22 11:09 PM

#689098 RE: ron_66271 #689096

What Could The WMI Non-Debtor Subs be Worth?

$375-$307-$33 = $34 Billion unaccounted for.
Retained Earnings is imbedded in the $33 Billion.

Please tell me more about the non-Debtor Subs.

WMIIC was all investments, and therefore all liabilities and not ‘assets’.
Investments are liabilities and not assets.

Yes WMIIC did not have any assets.
I recently read the Anchor litigation testimony between Golding vs Steinberg. Golding said WMIIC had no assets. WMIIC filed first before WMI did. Think about that. What was protected in the first filing?

Yes investments are liabilities until sold.