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05/25/22 12:24 PM

#133076 RE: Moneysign5 #133074

Not if they know it's going to the nasdaq.

The real questions I have is how did they know nothing was going to materialize from Ghana, India and VuMe for this long. Amd yet theybstill hold tons of shares. Why?

Shady. Even if it is nda gags causing the silence, they were privy and took this down knowing the silence was coming. ST3 even made mention of it coming.

It reminds me of the picture of the 2 hands drawing eachother. They are so intertwined and reliant on one another.

Which one is controlling which one? That is why this time, I think they will take the next run to new highs. They stand to make big multi millions and everyone knows it.

They seem to have the timing down which means someone knows something..