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05/25/22 12:25 PM

#101283 RE: tedpeele #101266

3000 hours = 12 years operations, listen CAREFULLY to what is being said here,

In the tests conducted, subjecting the company's latest polymers to high intensity optical power for over 3000 hours produced no change in device performance. The ability of Lightwave Logic's proprietary polymers to pass this accelerated photostability aging test provides assurance that they will both tolerate the optical exposures which occur in high-volume manufacturing and support the reliability over the required operating life of optical transceivers and network elements.

Lebby said, "When we talk to potential customers excited about the performance offered by our polymers, the two questions they always ask are, firstly, whether our polymers can be manufactured using standard processes, and secondly, do our polymers have the reliability required to support high network availability and the specified operating life for commercial deployments. With these results - building upon the foundation of our previous stability results - we can answer affirmatively for both - which is very exciting as we seek to make our polymers ubiquitous in the internet infrastructure landscape."

This HUGE HUGE news!!!

Stability issues is WHY the Industry spent 40 years and Billions of $$ and always FAILED!!

For 40 years the Industry has tried unsuccessfully! >>

IBM, Lockheed Martin, DuPont, AT&T Bell Labs, Honeywell, Motorola, HP, 3M, and others in addition to numerous universities and U.S. Government Agencies, have attempted to produce high-performance, high-stability electro-optic polymers <<<< literally in the Billions R&D $$ were spent to try to do what LWLG has done on a shoestring budget!

So LWLG's technology has been successfully developed in much less time than what the Industry spent, and at a cost less than 5% of what the Industry spent screwing around with unstable fragile molecules for 40 years!

Electro-Optic Polymer Production – Our Approach vs. the BLA Approach

LWLG's P2IC Platform is cheaper ($1/Gb) & better (lower power 1v) & scalable (100Gbs to 400Gbs to 800Gbs and beyond!)

Brief polymer history…

• <1980s

– Strong government funding for non-linear electro-optic organic
polymers (DARPA, NSF, DOE, DoD etc.)
– Many papers, reports, books

• 1980s – 2000s
– Heavy, focused, and increased gvt funding for non-linear EO organic
polymers (DARPA, NSF, DOE, DoD, USAirForce, USNavy, USArmy, EU)
– Industry R&D lab funding e.g. Du Pont, Dow, Akzo Nobel, IBM, Intel,
Boeing, Motorola, AT&T Bell Labs, GE, Lockheed etc.
– Increase in papers, publications, conferences, and books

• 2000s – 2010s
– Wane in government funding and industrial R&D lab activity
– Limited commercialization in fiber based communications

• >2010s
– Excellent progress on high speed performance (>100Gbaud)
– Resurgence?

Lots of us worked with polymers…then we moved on…

LWLG inventor Fred Goetz took an opposite approach, he started with something inherently STABILE, a plastic, and worked to make it E/O active, the result was a 3rd generation Polymer that is LWLG

Read below to understand why LWLG has succeeded now, and YES they have succeeded, just need to be accepted and this rocket will launch !!

Paradox of Electro-Optics

Certain materials are made of robust molecules and their electrons are so strongly bound in the molecular structure that it is difficult for them to vibrate or breakaway.

Such materials may be robust but generally their electrons do not vibrate easily. By analogy, a beer-mug may be thick -walled but it would be much more difficult for our soprano to vibrate it with his or her voice.

This has been the dilemma of electro -optics. Creating a molecule in which an electron can oscillate freely back and forth when hit by light but which does not wildly vibrate the material toward its own resonant destruction.

Second-generation electro-optics are fragile like champagne flutes It was a daunting challenge. Scientists had been working on the problem since the 1960's and by the late -90's most everyone had deemed the task impossible, just as it is infeasible to merge the delicate vibration character of a champagne flute with a Hamburg beer stein.


Second-generation electro-optic polymers are excellent high -
performance electron oscillators.Their long fluted shape however makes them highly unstable and unreliable.

Most scientists had been trying to make more slender and delicate "molecular flutes" that would vibrate easily, blindly hoping that they would somehow, someday figure out how to stabilize these molecular structures. This thin and delicate class of molecules has become known as second-generation electro-optic materials.

Third-Generation (LWLG)

Meanwhile, the scientists at LWLG continued quietly and
indefatigably toward the Holy Grail, the Fluted Stein. A molecule that was robust and yet which would vibrate more easily than the thinnest sliver of crystal. Once thought impossible,LWLG succeeded on their quest, producing today's third-generation of electro-optic molecules. LWLG scientists accomplished this by stabilizing the core of the molecule with interlocking atomic rings, much like crosshatches or the rungs of a ladder.

Third-generation electro-optic materials are even higher performing as electron oscillators. Their ring-locked shape gives them tremendous stability. Within these structures the electrons still vibrate easily, in fact they oscillate significantly better than within second -generation materials, yet they are incredibly robust due to their reinforced scaffold-like structure.
