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05/22/22 1:11 PM

#100864 RE: Homebrew #100857

Value of shorts Current $134.26m, 7 days ago $107.32m a whopping %25 increase

% Of Free Float Change Current 15.22%, 7 days ago 13.94%, about a 10% increase

% Freefloat on Loan Current 11.49%, 7 days ago 10.46%, about a 10% increase

Shares on Loan Current $12.76m, 7 days ago $11.61m, again about a 10% increase

Days to Cover (on loan) Current 12.36 Days, 7 days ago 11.46, about an 8% change

Short score 85 out of 100, (highly shorted)

Fintel has it as 89.86 (131 out of 5412 companies) The number ranges from 0 to 100, with higher numbers indicating a higher risk of a short squeeze relative to its peers, and 50 being the average.

Gamma squeeze 86.16 (that is 389 out of 576 companies being watched.) The number ranges from 0 to 100, with higher numbers indicating a higher risk of a short squeeze relative to its peers, and 50 being the average.

In my book anything in life over 80% is pretty much a guaranteed winner.

These scores do not calculate the condition of the company financially (Lightwave has 1 ½ years of cash on hand to operate the company through January 2024.) and No debt. This is purely math.

Numbers are all estimated but Everything I look at is going the wrong direction for the shorts.

I’m estimating currently about 16.25 Million shares are shorted and that is a lot to cover.

Funds disclosing short positions with puts 1.8 Million.

Lightwave is “under evaluation” with tier1 ’s for about 1 year, once one of those is made public, to da moon.

“The tipping point, if there is one, is that industry over the past 24 months has realized we are right, and what’s more, Lightwave Logic has the technology platform for the future. People currently in the telecommunications and datacenter environments are now calling for high-speed modulator optical switching, with lower power consumption. Our timing is perfect”

The only reason they will tap that $100 Million dollar shelf will no doubt be for commercializing/mass production and that news will further rocket this this up.

Oh andonce the institutions decide to call back shares, Bam off to mars.

Xster Denver Colorado Rocky Mountain High.