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05/22/22 9:32 AM

#291370 RE: GetSeriousOK #291369

You're replying to a statement that was never stated. The post was only referring to BIEL. Your reply doesn't fit the equation.

* Every company the SEC was trying to prosecute was innocent

* SEC should be dissolved and the Saintly Whelans AND ALL OTHER PUBLIC TRADING COMPANIES SHOULD BE UNREGULATED AND ALLOWED TO DO WHATEVER THEY PLEASE because they all have investors' bests interests in mind

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05/22/22 9:37 AM

#291372 RE: GetSeriousOK #291369

The sad situation solely caused by the loans. Forgive this, forgive that. Sorry as a long time shareholder, I hold no resentment towards people who started a business from scratch, got products fda cleared and NEVER did a reverse split. Of all the factors that indicate greed and scam, reverse splits are at the top of the list. So they’ve made a some money in a business THEY STARTED. Go figure. I look at two straight quarters showing improvement, increasing warehouse space(maybe they’re going to store empty boxes there), continuing shipments as srin has pointed out with FACTUAL shipping into, which is available to anyone who relies on proper dd, renewal of ce mark(Andy’s admitted fault), additional studies for wound recovery and new oems being signed. You will only find that info here and where other proper dd is being conducted. The yeah buts are empty OPINIONS.
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05/22/22 8:34 PM

#291404 RE: GetSeriousOK #291369

I Get It......

It does not matter what the Constitution and Congressional Laws say the SEC should be free to do whatever they want to bring their Own Personal Version of Justice Down like a Hammer on Whoever they Feel Deserves it.

And here I mistakenly thought the US Constitution and Laws were the basis of our republic.

Rule of Law - By having a strong rule of law, governments give business and society the stability of knowing that all rights are respected and protected. A strong rule of law includes: Clearly written and easily accessible laws that create certainty and enforceability of legal rights.

Rule of Law - The rule of law is the vehicle for the promotion and protection of the common normative framework. It provides a structure through which the exercise of power is subjected to agreed rules, guaranteeing the protection of all human rights.

Rule of Law - It affects everything about where people work and how they live. By having a strong rule of law, governments give business and society the stability of knowing that all rights are respected and protected. A strong rule of law includes:

Clearly written and easily accessible laws that create certainty and enforceability of legal rights

An independent and impartial judiciary that promotes fairness and ensures transparent, timely and predictable resolution of disputes.

Ruh Roh, 5/20/2022, the SEC got another Ruling on their illegal system.(courtesy of a vigilant poster on another Board)

Ruling on SEC judges could have broad impact

(Reuters) - A ruling finding that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's in-house courts violate the constitution raised thorny issues of administrative law. If upheld, the decision could drastically change how numerous U.S. government agencies work, legal experts told Reuters.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals' 2-1 decision on Wednesday in Jarkesy v. SEC said that defendants facing penalties for allegations of fraud have a right to a jury trial under the U.S. constitution.

Law firms
Bass, Berry & Sims PLC

(Reuters) - A ruling finding that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's in-house courts violate the constitution raised thorny issues of administrative law. If upheld, the decision could drastically change how numerous U.S. government agencies work, legal experts told Reuters.

The ruling reversed an SEC decision upholding findings by its in-house judge that hedge fund manager George Jarkesy Jr and investment adviser Patriot28 LLC committed fraud and should pay a $300,000 penalty.

In the ruling Wednesday, the majority classified the SEC's claims as seeking to enforce private rights, which meant the defendants were entitled to a jury trial.,should%20pay%20a%20%24300%2C000%20penalty.