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05/21/22 10:19 PM

#181022 RE: CaptHowdy #181021

I don't believe that is likely, but Rite Aid needs RXMD to transform their business model more than they realize. They might try for themselves, but RXMD has already figured out the secret sauce; it can be reinvented, but at a greater cost, IMO. If Rite Aid doesn't change to a managed care and delivery model, it will be replaced by the likes of RXMD. The world has changed to prefer the services that RXMD was founded to provide. It's unlikely that Rite Aid would consider buying RXMD, but it's not impossible. The way Rite Aid is going, maybe RXMD will buy Rite Aid ;-)

Good Luck to Us!



05/22/22 5:44 PM

#181026 RE: CaptHowdy #181021

That could be Captain? Are you feeling a change in the wind here? Set sails !


05/23/22 8:23 AM

#181041 RE: CaptHowdy #181021

Rite Aid would be the perfect southeastern buyer.