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05/21/22 2:43 PM

#291319 RE: JustGoDeep #291318

Yesterday is all over the biel intro page, but nobody cares. The mirror image of “today”, that’s how concerned everyone is. It’s the little things that do the damage.. Have a nice day. JMHO


05/21/22 5:44 PM

#291331 RE: JustGoDeep #291318

"All That Matters Is The Future." ?????

All that matters is that KW and PW have enough ill-gotten convertible notes to wipe out nearly all the holdings of current investors.

That is the #1 reason why there are not more long-term investors in BIEL. Too much risk. Risk of who's running the company and risk of seeing their investment take a massive hit.


05/21/22 10:00 PM

#291357 RE: JustGoDeep #291318

Future? When did the future start? 5, 4, 3, 2yrs ago or last year?

If you want to know where someone is heading take a look at their past.

There are a gazillion companies out there with nothing compared to Biel BUT the CEOs of those companies are NOT as greedy and selfish as KW. They COMMUNICATE with their shareholders on a regular basis when things are going well AND when they are not.

KW is not putting any effort into bringing in new investors.
She should have stepped down by now.
Chip on the shoulder? You betcha.

KW and PW could have gone the route of buy back to improve share structure (something leaders would have done who CARED about their shareholders).
