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05/20/22 9:36 AM

#476462 RE: ae kusterer #476461

I hope this doesn't fall on deaf ears. There could be a groundswell of exposure and then support for NWBO if the word can get out. Anyone know anyone in the Biden Admin?
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05/20/22 9:45 AM

#476468 RE: ae kusterer #476461

AE, Hoping that goes somewhere !! Thx.
Well written and summarized.

The behavior is aweful and makes me wonder what other companies have gone through in the past. Time to talk to them !
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05/20/22 9:45 AM

#476469 RE: ae kusterer #476461

Great letter!
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05/20/22 9:55 AM

#476474 RE: ae kusterer #476461

Great letter AEK...appreciate your efforts!!
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05/20/22 9:55 AM

#476475 RE: ae kusterer #476461

good work :)
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05/20/22 9:56 AM

#476476 RE: ae kusterer #476461

Great letter, thank you for speaking up!!
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05/20/22 10:18 AM

#476493 RE: ae kusterer #476461

Great letter!!! who knows it might possibly lead to someone writing another
column and include uncovered facts that would lead to AF downfall.
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05/20/22 10:21 AM

#476496 RE: ae kusterer #476461

AF should not threaten her like that. Thanks for letting AF’s boss know.
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05/20/22 10:22 AM

#476498 RE: ae kusterer #476461

Excellent post Thanks
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05/20/22 10:25 AM

#476500 RE: ae kusterer #476461

Great letter AEK. Cogent and well-written. Thanks for your efforts.
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The Danish Dude

05/20/22 10:40 AM

#476513 RE: ae kusterer #476461

It is alleged that Feuerstein called Dr. Liau numerous time prior to May 10 and also the press office at UCLA. He is alleged to have stated that he was an investigative reporter with a widely respected news organization. He is alleged to have threatened that if Dr. Liau made the presentation at New York Academy that he was prepared to publish stories that Northwest was engaged in fraudulent activity in the conduct of the trial and that management was guilty of criminal stock manipulation. He said that if Dr. Liau presented that he would ruin her reputation and that of UCLA.

Is the above really true and confirmed?

If so, this must be the end of a long unpromising career.
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05/20/22 10:45 AM

#476515 RE: ae kusterer #476461

"cc: John Henry". Nice finishing touch.
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Bright Boy

05/20/22 10:50 AM

#476516 RE: ae kusterer #476461

Incredibly well written letter!! Bravo, Joe!!!


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05/20/22 11:13 AM

#476528 RE: ae kusterer #476461

Well done
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05/20/22 11:29 AM

#476538 RE: ae kusterer #476461

Joe, that is awesome! Thanks for consolidating and documenting. Very nicely written!
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Poor Man -

05/20/22 11:33 AM

#476540 RE: ae kusterer #476461

If these allegations are true, might as well call it by the proper names: blackmail and extortion.

He is alleged to have threatened that if Dr. Liau made the presentation at New York Academy that he was prepared to publish stories that Northwest was engaged in fraudulent activity in the conduct of the trial and that management was guilty of criminal stock manipulation. He said that if Dr. Liau presented that he would ruin her reputation and that of UCLA. These charges are a complete fabrication. Dr, Liau did not present. She is a very sweet, non-confrontational lady and was badly shaken by Feuerstein’s aggressive and coercive tactics.

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05/20/22 11:47 AM

#476547 RE: ae kusterer #476461

Nice source:

Investor Alert: Joseph Hersey Pratt was barred for misusing the confidential information obtained from insiders at a public biopharmaceutical company
March 18, 2020 Jon Furgison
FINRA Sanctions & Allegations of Misconduct

FINRA barred Joseph Hersey Pratt (CRD #719416) located in Radnor, Pennsylvania for misusing the confidential information obtained from insiders at a public biopharmaceutical company by communicating it to several of his member firm’s customers. He failed to provide prior written notice or obtain prior approval for his solicitation of investors in private securities transactions in the company and he solicited individuals, some of whom were his customers at the firm, to invest approximately $436,000 in shares of the company.
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05/20/22 11:57 AM

#476551 RE: ae kusterer #476461

If indeed it is found AF threatened Dr Liau that is totally inexcusable and legal action and punishment should take place.
The piece by AF saying the trial failed is imo less clear as it did fail on PFS and at the time the published protocol on for evaluating the trial had PFS as the primary endpoint. Yes from what we know the trial was a success but first chart at presentation showed pfs fail and government website showed that as the evaluation protocol so of course AF took full advantage. Could anyone expect anything different? That is imo 100% the fault of management as the updated evaluation protocol on should have been updated in 2020. Would seem imo this management can't anticipate anything no matter how obvious - this is AF's job and he is good at slamming companies. I have been through this many times before, sometimes quite profitably purchasing stock in companies he trashes
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05/20/22 1:07 PM

#476596 RE: ae kusterer #476461

Thanks for writing this letter ae kusterer
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05/20/22 2:34 PM

#476652 RE: ae kusterer #476461

Incredible letter AEK! Thank you for that effort. It crystallizes quite an interesting fact pattern. If the person in question were not a “journalist”, I suspect such intimidation across state lines to prevent the presentation, though it took place anyway, might be framed as fraud and a crime? Could it be blackmail or extortion? I would want to know more but it worries me that this could take place under the authority and offices of the BostonGlobe/StatNews.

A journalist should observe and report. The reporter in question should have let Dr. Liau present and then made his report. Instead, what happened was that he intimidated her, tried to take credit for it by claiming there were nefarious forces at work (apparently he was protecting us all from them, he believed), and yet the presentation still occurred, and then he lied about the presentation, and did not report what was said but spun it by ignoring the gist of it and re-reporting what he has claimed for years without referencing what they said. But nowhere did he report some great research “fraud”. Dr. Mulholland has nothing to worry about, and neither would Dr. Liau ever had to worry about it either. But the person making the threats tried to suggest some other forces were at work for her not appearing.

In this case, the reporter has made himself the story. The story is no longer about NWBO or DCVax-L when it comes to the reporting in this case, but the reporter.

Some people have mental breaks. I think the reporter put his whole reputation into this, and then he was embarrassed by the Washington Post article, maybe he had to leave a job and get another one after that, and then there was the Federal Court case that used his columns as the basis of their complaint, and again the judge went through, point by point, dismissing the claims and dismissing the case.

Every step of the way this reporter has been refuted and yet over and over again he keeps coming back with more and more fantastical claims. And now, at this point he crossed a line. Intimidation by threats, what appear to be fraudulent threats to me, takes the reporter from outside of the frame to becoming a driver of the facts. That is deeply problematic. Really it is a matter for both the SEC and the FDA maybe the FBI. How can Pazdur meet with him in June as if he is a journalist when he is basically, this is my opinion, attempting to manufacture news in this manner.

I really wonder that the Boston Globe would countenance this kind of abuse of power using their offices and publication. It appears to be malicious and intentional activity calculated to create a story out of an arbitrary assemblage of details both manufactured and real, to tell a very narrow and twisted but ultimately false narrative. It is a narrative that appears to be intended to glorify this reporter and to erase previous bad acts of reporting and behavior. It is very difficult for me to come to any other conclusion.

Thanks again for letting us know the details re Dr. Liau. I am particularly sorry she did not get to make the presentation in such a wonderful context, and at an esteemed forum. What a terrible thing for the reporter, and by extension, the Boston Globe/StatNews, to have done to her by the use of their power and offices. This is a kind of an abuse of power that cannot stand.
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05/20/22 2:47 PM

#476659 RE: ae kusterer #476461

Ae, with full-court press
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05/21/22 6:42 AM

#476844 RE: ae kusterer #476461

Thank you ae kusterer.
Well done and keep up the good work you do.
