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05/18/22 6:28 AM

#5909 RE: TheShadow #5907

Oh, please show where the underlying asset of $HIVE is screwing holders with a 1:5 REVERSE SPLIT. You can't because the underlying is Bitcoin and ETHEREUM which is $HIVE 's asset, nots $HIVE shareholders'.

$HIVE Bagholders get worthless $HIVE paper to use on walls or toilets.

Try and cash in the Bitcoin you "think" you hold!!!!!!!
Are the investors that actually hold the asset going to lose 80% of there shares on Friday?

My Bitcoin coin holdings will not change on Friday. Because I own the asset!!!!!!!!

What's the expression? "Shooting fish in a barrel" could not be more appropriate.

Wait till you see your holdings after a 80% haircut. You think investors are going to clamour over a $4.50 +/- $HIVE when they can buy $HUT, $BITF, $RIOT, $MARA????

ROTFLMFAO!!!!!!! What till reality hits and sinks in on Friday.

I'd be willing to bet that there is a very large percentage of $HIVE Mushroom Investors that don't even know a 1:5 REVERSE SPLIT is coming!!!!!

I'll also bet that $HIVE closes lower than it opens after the 1:5 REVERSE SPLIT


05/18/22 8:53 AM

#5912 RE: TheShadow #5907

To fully comprehend what it means to invest in $HIVE.
$HIVE mines Bitcoin and ETHEREUM.
$HIVE owns and maintains complete control of 100% of the Bitcoin and ETHEREUM that they mine.

$HIVE investors *DO NOT* have any access whatsoever to the store of Bitcoin and ETHEREUM that $HIVE mines.
$HIVE investors are totally removed from the asset.
$HIVE investors own equity shares which *DO NOT* entitle the shareholders to the Bitcoin and ETHEREUM assets.
$HIVE shareholders *CANNOT* buy and sell the Bitcoin and/or ETHEREUM assets.
$HIVE can, and has, diluted shareholders to the tune of $110,000,000.00. Bitcoin/ETHEREUM holders *CANNOT* be diluted.
$HIVE can, and has, subjected their shareholders to a 1:5 REVERSE SPLIT. Bitcoin/ETHEREUM holders are *NOT* subject to REVERSE SPLITS.

Therefore any references to the assets only affects the actual owner of the assets, $HIVE and *NOT* shareholders of $HIVE.

$HIVE has a one-to-one connection with the asset, Bitcoin and ETHEREUM, and any change in the price of Bitcoin or ETHEREUM will affect $HIVE 's holdings directly.

$HIVE shareholders may or may not be affected by the change in the price of the assets because they are so far removed from a one-to-one relationship and are subjected to many more variables that determine the Price Per Share.
Unlike $HIVE, when the price of Bitcoin increases it does not necessarily follow that the pps of $HIVE will increase. It is not a given and has in fact been historically proven that that is not always the case.

I hope this brief explanation clears up any misunderstandings you may have relating to the main difference between actually owning the Bitcoin and/or ETHEREUM asset and owning shares in the Bitcoin Miner, $HIVE

Crypto market capitalization is the total value of a cryptocurrency. Where stock market capitalization is calculated by multiplying share price times shares outstanding, crypto market capitalization is calculated by multiplying the price of the cryptocurrency with the number of coins in circulation.