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05/14/22 10:45 PM

#437250 RE: moxa1 #437247

Yeah! That bad ol Azov Battalion! Millions of Ukrainians are fleeing from them!

NO! Wait! 5 to 6 million Ukrainians are fleeing Lil Putin and his invading hordes!

"If the people of Ukraine rose up and threw out - defeated the Azov battalions (nazis) who were killing non Russian(I think you mean Russian speaking speaking people in the Donbass Putin would never have invaded but Zelensky had no control.

If Lil Putin was trying to save Russian speaking people in the Donbass regiion. why did he invade Norther, Eastern and Southern Ukraine on the same day and begin bombarding Western Ukraine and Kviv?

Lil Putin is a brutal thug that wants to re-establish the USSR.