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The Danish Dude

04/30/22 9:16 AM

#463933 RE: CaptainObvious #463932

Tell me about it :-d
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04/30/22 9:17 AM

#463934 RE: CaptainObvious #463932

Same here, I believe they will owe me free drinks for life after this story unfolds.
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04/30/22 10:36 AM

#463952 RE: CaptainObvious #463932

Recommending a stock to erstwhile contacts or associates, or friends, can be hazardous. If things pan out wrong you might end up with some serious guilt trips. (Or, worst case, a pair of cement boots.)

But I don't think it hurts to point out this or that stock that is "worth looking at", because of this or that lucrative development or result "that may or may not happen", and what will happen if it doesn't.
Explain why it's in your own portfolio, and advise "don't bet the farm!" Use the term "very speculative" often, especially in ref to biotechs. ANY biotech.
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04/30/22 10:52 AM

#463957 RE: CaptainObvious #463932

I've gotten a couple of friends into NWBO...

They are now your minions. :-)
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Poor Man -

04/30/22 12:50 PM

#463978 RE: CaptainObvious #463932

I just hope my wife will begin speaking to me again, and will let me back into the house.

I've gotten a couple of friends into NWBO, and I worry more about what's going to happen to their money than I do my own. Tread lightly. Lol

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04/30/22 1:25 PM

#463986 RE: CaptainObvious #463932

One of the surviving shareholders in my family sold their NWBO stake last year (I did not talk about NWBO with them during that time so I had no influence on that).

When I mentioned that likely we would hear something substantive by the end of ASCO they said (with some justice) "That's what you say every time and then its always something else."

They are urging me to sell too and said "If you get a second chance to break even you should sell because you don't normally emerge from a 10 year financial odyssey being able to say you broke even."

He's right in theory but at this point I want every last one of my NWBO shares there, standing to be counted when TLD is revealed one way or another.

I could accept a bait and switch and content myself with the cold comfort telling the pro-management side "I told you so" when they were boasting about how derisked this is at this point and how no one would invest in manufacturing or running trials with a failed project (logical arguments as far as they go but NWBO is impervious to logical developments at times). What I could not accept having pulled out during a run up on no news and (finally) be wrong in expecting that the rug pull was coming and selling out right before the explosion.

So despite the pressure and the risk of being called an idiot if we have another rug pull, I'm not letting anyone get me to sell before TLD at least.
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04/30/22 3:21 PM

#464024 RE: CaptainObvious #463932

Man, you are not kidding there. I remember the tech bubble, talking up stocks and my portfolio gains, only to watch most of my portfolio go to money heaven. Since then I’ve been tight lipped on unsolicited investment ‘tips’ to family and friends.
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04/30/22 5:22 PM

#464041 RE: CaptainObvious #463932

Same here.. It's bad enough losing your own money but watching friends lose money because they followed my investment advice is a bridge I don't want to cross..

Even if NWBO breaks all expectations and is a home run for the ages I will keep it to myself.