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04/29/22 9:42 AM

#72496 RE: stervc #72495

Thank you very much once again. To one of the MODs, please consider making this post a sticky.


04/29/22 9:46 AM

#72497 RE: stervc #72495

Great post Sterling!

Thank you!!!


04/29/22 10:39 AM

#72511 RE: stervc #72495

!!!! 6 STAR POST !!!! lol Good Post and jibes with the PR today. Honest Data! Weeee! $MONI


04/29/22 10:48 AM

#72513 RE: stervc #72495

Nice, Huge DD and insight! Thanks stervc.



04/29/22 11:30 AM

#72518 RE: stervc #72495

There are several more issues with this post that I was going to address, but I will leave your summation to stand as I concur with everything you said.

I will add that I was the first in this forum to state that continental was the TA and i made several calls and gathered information that does not support stated opinions in that post.

I find it ironic that the same people who disputed my claim, are now embracing it when it is put into an alternative "insight " on developments. It needs to be stated that the company did ABSOLUTELY everything it should have done to get a tally of the exact amount of shares that were outstanding.
It is the TA's fiduciary responsibility to have an accurate account of all shares. This number was obviously used when doing the initial acquisition DD of WOGI

MONI further did validation when the name change occurred.
The Audit during the name change is when I believe this was exposed. The weekend of the post from MONI about "matters outside of our control" which delayed the announcement till the following week. For MONTHS I have said there was something wrong with the share structure, I was disputed by many with that claim also, yet here we are. Then were the RELENTLESS attacks on Managemt about ineptitude and lack of transparency when this matter was clearly being handled by accountants and the law firm to come to a resolution. Hopefully it now has.

One more point, IF Frank had been the one who threatened legal action I think it certainly may have been against the original transfer agent for having and disseminating an inaccurate count of the shares. As I stated before this was clearly on the minds of management to remove any and all shares from former management, as to avoid possible manipulation of the price by selling off shares, as new management made deals and increased value.

Anyone in this scenario would be pissed to see thier efforts undemined after spending hundreds of thousands, possibly millions by now on staffing, Bitgift development, MONI share reductions and other operating costs. We would likely STILL be in the .14 range if this selling had not occurred.So if there was ANYONE who is to blame, it quite possibly may be the TA.

Ok my last last point... There was clearly someone or some entity supporting the price above 1 cent. Every large sell, was being absorbed by a buyer. Whether this was the company trying to prevent further damage, or a "partner" taking a stake in MONI has yet to be disclosed. Let's see if selling is truly over...



04/29/22 12:31 PM

#72530 RE: stervc #72495

Now, after working in this industry for many years I will clear up the process of how the TA and compliance works to shed light of the on how narrative what your saying could not be true.

If what you saying is true then any TA would first require a Rule 144 Legal opinion to be written. That would cost around $1000 dollars so that a practicing SEC Attorney could research all the SEC laws and prove those securities were legally obtained, and legally purchased with proof of the purchaser paying for those securities.

Next they would have to prove that the purchaser that legally purchased them has held them from 12 to 24 months holding period at a minimum from the date of legal purchase when they proved monies were received for the purchase.

The attorney would also have to verify the securities that were purchase was not a gift according to the new SEC rules and that the company was in good standing at the time of purchase.

Now an SEC investigating attorney would have to sign off on these securities addmiting that the attorney and his team did this investigation under the laws of the SEC and the purchases has a legal basis to have these securities issue to him.

Now a Rule 144 Legsl Opinion Letters are good for 90 days to deposit those securities into an account. If additional time is needed then he would of had to get a 4ac1 Legal Opioni Letter and this is going into greater depths of investigation because now the securities are 100% free trading for ever.

Now let's address the TA not doing there job as you claim. The TA would have to take these legal opinion letters and run it by there legal department to be in compliance with the SEC and once they have passed the TAs legal compliance then the TA would sent it to the company and their attomery of record for the acknolgement of the company, not approval. If they Company and attorney disagree they are given 30days to provide a legal basis to stop that securities transfer, if they cannot provide a legal basis to stop that transfer then the TA must transfer those securities to the new party or it will be violating federal laws.

The Company and its attorney must follow the laws of the US. The TA cannot manipulate the facts and just because a company dosn't like the law.

With a TA there is nothing hidden, everything is transparent and according to the law.

No one can manipulate a TA to have shares put into someones name without proving under legal compliance of the SEC or they must go back to the company treasury.

Therefore the story may or may not have some truth but that would have been been back in 2014 - 8 years ago, you have completely lied and misconsrewed all the material facts to make the company look competent.

All of this information would have been in the shareholder list and acknowledge before the purchase of any company. It would have been legally impossible for what your saying to have happen.

Once again, nice spin to manipulate the market as your team is very good at.

I also notice of someone who called Contential Stocker Tranfer you didn't give any name of reference like I did with my DD and you just made a blanket BS claim with no reference to actual people who were talked to.


I can definitely see this going to court and will be tied up inlitagation.

My predictions for 2 to 3q 2022

1. Frank will fire Alision because he is broke and can't pay her anymore
2.Frank will try and cut a side deal to sell the Public Company to new buyers and screw all the shareholder
3. Frank will pump as much excitement as he can before he tries to sell the company and then do another pubco for Bitgift
4. Frank will try and distances himself as much as possible and lead people into other deals to take the eyes off of him
5. Franks Bitgift is behind the crypto times and is outdated in the crypto marekt. It's too far behind in the crypto space


05/30/22 9:14 AM

#73913 RE: stervc #72495

If 30 million shares owned by Imperative Ventures is erroneous then those shares would be subject to cancellation. Somehow I feel like the firm isn’t going to just hand over 30 million shares for free, unless they think their remaining shares will appreciate greatly by doing so because of the goodwill and perception amongst new investors that they simply aren’t paying Imperative Ventures money for a flat or decreasing shareprice in the near term while banking on long term bitgift success. Imperative could declare between now and tomorrow morning that their shares are locked until January 2023, appreciating their shares if bitgift is legit since they could then ask to be bought out of those shares at a discount for the company which presumably would be flush with cash profits but still a great profit for IV. Selling x amount of restricted shares every month and hoping people don’t notice isn’t a creative financial strategy imo. In fact another firm with vision and belief in bitgift should buy those restricted shares from IV for a 10% premium (400,000 buy for current value 370,000) and lock them, if IV isn’t a true believer in holiday sales opportunity. Invest 400,000 now for possible profit next year of 10x in that deal scenario.


08/10/22 1:51 PM

#77175 RE: stervc #72495

Another Post by Stervc.

moneytrain2021, here are the facts per my DD...

The Moon Equity Dream team, Frank Ottaviani, Alison Galardi, and their counsel are as smart as everyone thinks and they did do their proper due diligence (DD) by looking at the first thing a TA gives to a potential new buyer, a Shareholder List to see who owns what. Knowing in advance who owned what and how much they owed has absolutely nothing to do with what you are referring to after doing my DD.

After doing my DD, I learned that the previous management (Nathan Hall) had done a communications deal with Grace Carlton (now ex-wife) for 30 million shares. She never paid for the shares so then Nathan Hall sent a demand letter out to her demanding that the shares be returned. The shares were returned to the old transfer agent, but instead of being canceled, Nathan got the old transfer agent to put the shares in his name to be deposited. This was not approved by the current management which is why they left the old transfer agent and went to a new transfer agent.

After doing my DD and talking to someone that actually called Continental Stock Transfer too, I learned that Nathan Hall was the one threatening to sue Continental Stock Transfer if they took MONI on as a client and would not deposit his shares that were erroneously issued by the old transfer agent.

After doing my DD, I have learned that the company is not trying to attack any of the old deals from years ago by the previous management and steal them for themselves. I've learned that the company is not trying to cut deals with people to sell through third parties. The share structure staying relatively the same is proof of that. The increase in the OS is by 40 million shares which is the 10 million issued to T8 for bringing in its companies (BitGift, etc. if I had to guess) and the 30 million that were erroneously issued as mentioned above. This is absolutely why we should trust Alison Galardi and her team when dilution is running so rampant throughout the market. The current Moon Team is not trying to scam over the old deals to gain shares for themselves. They have been doing the opposite of dilution, retiring shares and in large amounts too per old press releases. To be exact, they have not issued any shares since taking over the company.

I have confirmed from my DD and as the company had mentioned a long time ago, they are absolutely not doing a reverse split. The share structure is still a very good one at 663,262,060 shares:

Why was this done by the previous management? I don't know? Nathan might be a good guy and maybe he just simply felt bad about the transaction for selling WOGI/MONI to Frank Ottaviani and felt that he should have gotten more or deserved more. I don't know? Maybe he did have some legitimate claim to those shares. I think I had spoken to Nathan a long while ago as I do believe him to be a good guy. Really none of this shouldn't matter anymore because he got the extra shares and had them deposited already and sold into the market already even though they were not approved by the current management. So when some were claiming that the company was dumping shares, it was actually Nathan Hall selling shares that he had gotten from the explanation above.

After doing further DD, I've learned the gold deals that MONI was seeking were probably related to Nathan somehow. I'm not sure what went wrong with those deals, but I suspect that more facts will be released at some time in the future to add clarity for the company to positively move forward.

From what I have learned too from doing my DD, the current management is moving on as they have bigger and better things to focus their time on. Since the current management is moving on from this topic, I am too and I think we all should too as it is really a nonissue with the company moving forward. I see it now as simply a misunderstanding to where all parties one way or the other got what they wanted and should simply just peacefully move on.



08/30/22 1:08 PM

#78659 RE: stervc #72495

Once again

Thank you

Clear concise accurate

I'll be here for the fireworks

IMO they're coming