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04/27/22 10:02 AM

#289717 RE: ssmmss #289715

False Information.

Only About $36 Million Since Inception.

Not Very Much At All And Most Of It Can Be Used

As A Tax Write Once Profitable.


04/27/22 10:55 AM

#289726 RE: ssmmss #289715

ssmmss. unfortunately justice isn't what prevails much of the time in this
world. human nature is such a complexly screwed up thing. some of the very
worst human beings have the power to murder all of us, or ruin hundreds of
years of advancement--and who cheers them on? other human beings. kelly
is a small tiny snake, neither creative nor good at business. quite smart, though
smart is a negative when used as so many use it. nothing to do with wisdom,
real intelligence, goodness, or virtue.
she actually resents and feels bitterness towards shareholders. imagines herself
and her family to be on the side of the angels while it owns and manages a
business that has mainly profited them, while hurting those who make biel
i don't think it'll go on much longer. she'll call it quits and feel 100% justified in
how she conducted herself...


04/27/22 4:59 PM

#289766 RE: ssmmss #289715

Lets call Disinformation what it is Bullshit

<<<<<<< 100s of millions of dollars have been robbed from investors >>>>>>>>

BIEL's Accumulated deficit, after 21 years in business, is $38.3 million.

For that 38 million BIEL has achieved 5 FDA 510k Indications. The average medical device company spends $30 million to attain one FDA Indication.

Arrest those who spread Disinformation and throw away the key!!